
We Laughed So Hard It Would Sting

"'ve been having dreams, involving me and you in romantic situations?" Frank asked. Gerard nodded, looking down at his feet. Frank just stood there, weird look on his face. Gerard knew it. He had freaked him out.

"Uh.." Frank started. Then he burst into a laughing fit. Gerard just looked at him.

"Hey..." Gerard start. But he couldn't help it, Frank's laughter was infectious. He started laughing too. When it stopped, Frank wiped his eyes. Then, noticing Gerard see him, he couldn't help himself.

"Oh I'm just crying because I'm SO happy to be married to you...Simon." Frank said, chuckling.

"Don't make fun of me." Gerard said, hiding a grin that was spreading across his face.

"But really...why have you been DREAMING about me? I'm sorry...but I've seen myself, and I know I'm very, very irresistably hot, but still. I'm a dude, dude. I mean....I know there are dudes who like dudes, but I'm just not one of those dudes. And neither are you, dude." Frank said, suddenly thinking over how that must of sounded.

"Um...I know, DUDE. I really have no clue why I have been dreaming Not that there *is* an us...well, you know what I mean." Gerard looked at Frank, who was shaking his head, as if to say " I don't."

"Aw come on, Frank. Your making me feel like crap here. Tell me something reassuring." Gerard said looking up at Frank, who was still shaking his head.

" hair looks good today." Frank said, trying to think of something. Gerard looked at him. The two of them just sat there a minute, when Frank broke the silence with a question.

"Gerard....can I ask you something?" Frank started.

"Yeah...what do I have to lose?" Gerard said.

"It's the wedding dress...was I...." Frank started to grin. "...was I pretty?" Frank burst back into laughter. Gerard just looked at him, starting to shake his head himself.

"No, dude. Dude, as a dude, I must say your one ugly dude, dude." Gerard said, smirking.