

"I see you're...single. And your looking to mingle. Maybe...maybe I could fill that void my good man."

"Well, maybe we'll see. Why don't you come down to my place, and we'll...uh, we'll *mingle*....maybe we can even *mingle* more than once. What you say?"

"I say...I say....I can't do this anymore. This is just too weird." Gerard said. Everyone on the island decided they were going to do improv. Gerard and Ray were assigned. They had to play two lonely singles, just out of a relationship, in a bar. And...of course, Gerard was assigned the "lonely woman", much to his dismay.

"I think it's somebody else's turn now." Ray agreed. Bob had been the elector for who goes.

"I think that Frank and Britney should go up there." Bob said, looking at the two. Britney and Frank gave eachother knowing glances, then just shrugged.

"Okay Bob...what's the situation?" Frank asked. Britney grimaced. The last thing she wanted was a romantic storyline...she was sick of the drama.

"You and Britney are father and daughter..." Frank started. Britney sighed from relief. If this turned out romantic, there would be more problems. Frank continued. "...and you two are having an argument about Britney's money spending problems. And....go!" Bob said. He loved power. He never realized quite how power hungry he was until this very moment.

"One question. Can we give eachother different names?" Frank asked. Bob nodded.

"Oh father...why can't I buy those expensive shoes?" Britney asked.

"Well,'s very simple. You have been spending WAY too much money." Frank started.

"Helga? THAT'S the name you're giving me? HELGA?" Britney whined.

"Yeah...what's wrong with Helga? I knew a girl named Helga in school." Frank said noncholantly.

"Yeah...but I never pictured the name "Helga" for myself..." Britney started.

"Well, what did you picture for your name..?" Frank asked, rolling his eyes.

"I always thought of myself a Lilly. Or maybe a Samantha, Sam for short. What'dya thing?" Britney asked.

"Whatever." Frank said.

"Just start already guys...or I'll make you do something else." Said power hungry Bob.

"Fine. So....Samantha, Sam for short, how come you have spent so much damn money around here, young lady?" Frank asked.

"Why...Harold...let me tell you. I had to buy something VERY important." Sam-erm, Britney said.

"You will call me Dad, Sam. And what was this "expensive thing" you had to buy?" Frank asked.

"Um...I had to" Britney said. She wasn't exactly the best at improv, either. ", a brush." Britney said. Brush? She had to get better at this.

" expensive brush? How the hell did it get so expensive?" Frank asked.

"It was...uh...coated with chrome." Britney said. God that was dumb. She wanted to be the power hungry Bob at this point.

"Chrome? Why did you need a chrome coated brush?" Frank asked.

"It was...pretty." Britney said. That's it. She was done.

"I think I'm done. Can I decide the people and situations now, Bob?" Britney asked.

"No...that's my job." Bob said...with almost a sad tone to his voice.

"I think it's somebody else's turn now, Bob." Frank said.

"But....but...oh, nevermind. Fine Britney." Bob said, looking down. Poor Bob could never catch a break.

"Alright. Mikey and Gerard. You two are brothers in a band. Go!" Britney said. Mikey and Gerard looked at Britney like she was from another planet.

"Gee...I don't know if I can step outside of myself that much, Brit." Mikey said sarcastically.

"Just do it." Britney said, rolling her eyes. "You can change your names if you want." Britney said.

", Phyllis." Gerard began.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not exactly sure if I spelled "improv" right...if I didn't, feel free to let me know.