
How to Save a Life

"Bob...Bob, what's the matter?" Gerard asked, forgetting all about the "war of names" with his brother. Bob didn't just say anything, he just pointed to his throat and started coughing. Ray suddenly looked over at him, and the small pile next to his feet. He knew what to do. He ran behind Bob, put his arms around him, and pushed up. It took a few tries, but suddenly something flew out Bob's mouth. Ray let go...Bob just leaned over, and spit out something else. He coughed, and gave Ray a nod, signaling that he was okay. Everyone else ran to what Bob had spit up. A piece of fish...Bob had been choking. They all looked to their ginger haired bandmate. He was still breathing in and coughing. He looked to Ray.

"Thanks...for...that." Bob said, still catching his breath.

"No problem." Ray said. He looked at the pile next to Bob's foot. A pile of fish. That's how he knew. He took a piece and bit in, chewing EXACTLY 27 times before swallowing.

A little later, Bob and everyone else had gone to bed. Mikey walked out to Ray, and sat next to him. Ray looked over at him.

"Hey Phyllis!" He said. Mikey just looked at him. "Sorry."

"No problem." Mikey said, picking a bug out of Ray's hair. That happened frequently with Ray on the island. His hair was like a bug magnet.

" saved Bob's life. How do you feel?" Mikey said, patting Ray on the back. Ray thought about it.

"Hungry." He said in reply. Nothing like watching someone choke to build up an appetite. Then a sleepy looking Bob walked up to them and sat down. Guess Ray's hair was a Bob magnet too.

"Thanks a lot for earlier." Bob said.

"It was no problem." Ray said, shrugging.

"No. Really, it was. You saved my life. Is there anything I can do in return?" Bob asked, obviously grateful.

"Nope." Ray said, braiding a few strands of his hair.

"Come on, Ray! Atleast humor me...I feel I should do something." Bob said. Ray thought. Then a grin grew on his face.

"Come to think of it, there is something you can do for me, Bob." Ray said. Uh oh. This isn't good.

"Anything...really. You want it, you got it." Bob said, not even realizing what he was getting himself into.