

Ray knew what he wanted Bob to do. It wasn't to be mean, it was to lighten the mood a bit (although it wasn't nice to Bob either, if that's what your thinking.) Since Bob choked, people on the island had been on the edge. What Ray asked Bob to do would hopefully get people to laugh and lighten up. Bob was hesitant at first, but decided he owed it to Ray. would make things a little less edgy and dramatic.

'When should I do it?" Bob asked.

"When we're eating by the fire, today, when no one expects it. Just stand up and do it." Ray said. Bob couldn't help himself. He started to laugh. Ray looked at him, and then thought back to what he just said.

"Ah grow up, Bob." Ray said.

"Um...your making me do this ridiculous thing and telling ME to grow up?" Bob asked...smirking. But he was right.

"Alright...alright. So....we have a deal?" Ray asked.

"Yup." Bob said, and they shook on it.

Later on at the campfire. Besides everyone being a little tense (and chewing their food thoroughly) everything was mostly the same. But then, things got a little bit ugly.

"Our best video was DEFINATELY "The Ghost of You." Ray said. Mikey shot him a dirty look.

"Why? 'Cause I died?" Mikey asked.

"No. It was just a beautiful video in my opinion." Ray said.

"No way..."Helena" all the way." Gerard said. Mikey nodded in agreement.

"I really liked "I'm Not Okay"...THAT was definately our best Three Cheers video. No doubt about it." Frank chimed in. Suddenly, all the guys started to argue, except Bob. He knew what he had to do, and this was a perfect time to do it. Without a word, he stood up on the rock he was sitting on, and balanced himself. Suddenly, everyone looked to him. He cleared his throat, and opened his mouth.

"The sun will come out....tomorrow. Betcha bottom dollar that tomorrow...there'll be sun." Bob started to sing. Everyone just stared. Why the hell was he singing "Tomorrow" from Annie????

"Just thinkin about....tomorrow...clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow...'till there's none."

"Bob...what the hell are you doing?" Gerard asked.

"Yeah, what the hell?" Ray asked. Bob shot him a look. Ray just grinned and shrugged.

"When I'm stuck with a day, that's gray, and lonely. I just stick out my chin, and grin, and say....oh...the sun will come out...tomorrow, so you've got to hang on 'till tomorrow...come what may...." Bob continued to strain to sing the Annie song. He never liked Annie...he thought it was a little too fluffy for his taste. But he knew the song...who didn't? He practically wheezed his way through the rest of the song.

"...your always a day......a......WAAAAAY!!" Bob finished, bringing his arms out as if he was actually in the Broadway show. He coughed, and sat back down, taking a bite of his fish.

"Um....okay then." Frank said with a grin. It might have not been a Tony winning performance...but it was enough to make everyone smile a bit more...just thinking about their ginger haired, bearded drummer singing showtoons known by every nine year old girl.
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I don't know if these are ACTUALLY the band members favorite videos. I just needed to give them to somebody.