
Frank gets annoying.

"Mikey...Mikey? Are you hungry?" Frank asked. Bob glanced at Mikey (the bassist.)

"Mikey...Frank wants you." Bob said.

"No...he wants that stupid duck thing." Mikey grumbled.

"CHICKEN-duck! He's a CHICKEN-duck, Mikey!" Frank yelled.

"Alright...I'm just sick of the confusion with his name. Can't you name him something else, Frank?" Mikey asked.

"No. He's Mikey...that's that. How about this. He'll be Mikey one, and you'll be Mikey two. K?" Frank asked.

"Mikey one? How come HE gets to be Mikey one? I was here first!" Mikey argued. Frank just rolled his eyes.

"Don't listen to the grumpy thin man, Mikey ONE. Let's go have another banana." Frank cooed, picking the bird up and bringing it to the banana tree. Mikey flipped them both off as they walked away.

"I'm hungry...should we make dinner now?" Gerard asked.

"We could eat the damn duck." Mikey two said. Frank just looked at him, holding Mikey one closer to his chest, mouthing the words "CHICKEN-duck." Mikey rolled his eyes.

"I'll get some fish ready now." Carol said, getting up.

"What should we do while we're waiting?" Ray asked.

"We could play duck, duck, chicken." Frank suggested.

"It's duck, duck, goose, Frank." Britney said.

"Well I like duck, duck, chicken better." Frank said, "Mikey one does too." Mikey two was getting angry.

"Well I don't give a flying-"

"-BIRD!" Frank yelled. Everyone looked at him.

"Since when are we offended by language there, Frank?" Bob asked. Frank motioned to Mikey one.

"He's just so little...I don't want him hearing that." Frank whispered, patting the bird on the head. Everyone was getting fed up. After Frank put Mikey one to sleep, Gerard motioned to Frank. He walked up to the other guys.

"We've been talking....and-"

"The freaking duck's gotta go!" Mikey two didn't let Gerard finish.

"CHICKEN-duck, and why? He's not bothering anyone." Frank said.

"Yeah...but YOU are." Carol said rolling her eyes.

"Well I don't want to get rid of him, I LOVE" Frank said, glancing at Mikey two.

"You know what? Fine. You can keep him. On two conditions, though." Bob said. Mikey two glared at him.

"What are the conditions?" Frank asked.

"First, you name him something besides Mikey....I'm sick of referring to them as Mikey "one and two." It's not Dr. Seuss." Bob said.

"Alright...fine. And second?" Frank asked.

"Stop obsessing over him. Treat him like anyone else on the island...okay?" Bob pleaded.

"Fine. But you guys have to treat him nice too, alright?" Frank asked. Everyone nodded. Everyone, that is, except Mikey.

"Aw c'mon Mikey, he's not asking too much." Britney said, patting him on the back.

"Fine...I'll treat him...nicely too." Mikey gave in. Frank ran over and hugged him, catching Mikey by surprise. He couldn't help but smile...a Frank hug was just something you could NOT get mad about.

"So what are you naming the duck...erm, CHICKEN-duck now, Frank?" Gerard asked. Frank thought a minute.

"Bert." He said simply. Gerard opened his mouth to protest, but decided to just let it be.