
Kill All Your Friends (or brothers...)

"Yes I wanna be a chicken, yes I wanna be a duck, so I'll just be both!" Frank sang, clapping, carrying Bert under one arm. He walked and walked, and he was about to go to wash his face when he had to do a doubletake. He looked again and saw Britney starting to lift her shirt up in front of Gerard, sitting across from her.

"What the hell?" Frank muttered to himself. He was about to go up to them, but Bob beat him to it.

"WHAT the HELL are you two doing?!" Bob asked, walking up to them. Britney and Gerard both turned to look, gasping. Britney immediatly put her shirt down, cheeks turning red.

"It's not what it looks like...REALLY." Gerard said, glancing at Britney.

"Really? Then what is it?" Ray asked, seeing everything.

" really don't get it. She found a scratch going across her stomach and she was concerned. She wanted to know if I thought it was serious. That's all." Gerard said, not looking at Britney.

"Yeah...besides...I have a bra underneath. It's no big different than a bikini." Britney said.

"Well...we know Gerard has problems with bikinis." Frank chuckled, looking at Mikey. They both winked at eachother. Britney just looked at Gerard. He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Long, embarrassing story...."

"...that me and Mikey will tell later..." Frank said, smirking at Gerard. Gerard just glared at him. "...Or not."

"Honestly. I know there have been fishy things going on on this island...but I swear this was innocent." Britney said. "Ask Carol...I showed her this earlier." The guys glanced up at Carol, who was looking at her feet. She glanced up, nodded, and looked back down.

"Fine. That's good. I don't think we should do that kind of stuff anymore. Gerard, you really care about Lyn-z." Frank said.

"I know...which is why I didn't do it. Unlike my brother and Ray here, I ACTUALLY have self control." Gerard said. He didn't mean for that to come out like it did. Too late.

"Gee...thanks a lot, BRO. Really nice of you. I told you it wouldn't happen anymore!" Mikey said, face reddening from anger.

"Yeah really. Who the hell are you to judge us? Mr. I-just-broke-up-with-my-fiance-so-I'll-just-marry-the-first-girl-my-age-I-see-at-Projekt-Revolution." Ray said, pissed. He really didn't mean it, he was just hurt Gerard would bring the whole Carol thing up.

"Don't you DARE say that. I LOVED Lyn-z, and me and Eliza were broken up! I didn't happened fast because we were in LOVE you poofy haired ass!!!" Gerard yelled, now standing up.

"Who are YOU to call HIM an ass?!" Mikey yelled.

"Or POOFY HAIRED?" Ray asked. Everyone looked at him. " I'm poofy haired, but still. NOT cool!"

"Woa, woa, guys. Chill out. It was just a's over now. Let it go." Frank said, trying to calm everyone down.

"I can't let my brother's absolute IGNORANCE go!" Gerard yelled looking at Mikey. That was it. He had it. The stupid island, stupid chicken-duck, stupid fish, no Alicia, and now his brothers comments put him PAST over the edge. He practically jumped on his brother. They rolled around on the ground...and at some point Ray jumped in too. They rolled and rolled on the ground. This would DEFINATELY leave a mark.