
The Thing

"Uh...that sounds like an animal. A bad one." Carol said, standing up.

"Yeah...or Gerard in the morning." Mikey snickered.

"She said "bad animal" didn't she?" Ray joked back. Everyone was laughing until they remembered their danger.

"This is no time for jokes." Britney said, still secretly laughing. Though the laughter quickly turned to a scream when they heard the growl again.

"Frank?" Bob asked.


"Is there any POSSIBLE way that that is your chicken-duck?" Bob asked.

"Uh...I don't think so. Lemme check!" Frank yelled.

"NO!!!" Everyone said in unison. Too late...Frank was already off.

"Is he crazy?!" Gerard asked...wanting to run after their short guitarist. But his legs just wouldn't work. They all looked at eachother, worried sick about Frank.

"OH MY GOD!!!!" They heard Frank yell. Britney burst into tears....this was too much for her. Mikey grabbed her, patting her on the back, trying to calm her down.

"NO...NO GUYS...THIS ISN'T WHAT YOU THINK. AT ALL...IT...WELL, JUST COME HERE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF." Frank yelled, hearing Britney crying and not wanting things to get out of hand.

"Oh my god...what is that?" Ray asked.

"Yeah Frank, what the hell?" Gerard asked, laughing hysterically at this point. The "ferocious" animal was smaller no bigger than Bert. It looked like a cross of a bunch of different animals. It had giant, black, beady eyes. It had cat ears, a dog tail, and the body of a lizard. The roars sounded like a lion. Frank leaned over to pet it, despite the fact it had no fur. The animal closed it's eyes, and start to pur like a cat. Then it gave a soft meow. That's it. They couldn't control themselves, everyone burst into a fit of laughter.

"You aren't so bad..are ya?" Frank asked, petting and cooing the animal. Then, it suddenly growled and jumped up onto Frank. Everyone was still laughing, thinking they were just playing. Frank thought so too...until it bit.

"Ha...hey...HEY! OW! OH MY GOD, YOU LITTLE-!" Frank yelled, along with unmentionable profanity. When everyone knew they weren't just playing around, they picked up the "thing" and pried it off Frank's shoulder, where it bit.

"Oh god, Frank. You really bleeding!" Ray said, tearing off part of the leg from his pants and applying it to Franks wound.

"Do you think we can cook THAT thing?" Mikey asked.

" don't know where it's been. Besides...we shouldn't punish it for being what it is...A BITING LITTLE WEASEL!" Frank yelled, wincing from the pain of his shoulder. Ray took the "animal thing" and took another part of his pants, and tied the animal to a tree. That would hold the animal until they decided what to do with it. This was weirder than the chicken-duck.