
Frank's Conclusion

"So...what should be do" Britney asked, looking at the gastly animal tied to the tree.

"Kill it?" Mikey asked, looking at Frank....waiting for the Vegan who stands up for animal rights to protest.

"Ah screw it. We should kill it." Frank said, shoulder pain overriding his morals.

"Come don't actually mean that Frank." Gerard said, knowing that that is something Frank would never want to do, hurt or not.

"Well...maybe not." Frank grumbled. The thing growled at Frank, and Frank barked back like a dog. Everyone just stared at him.

"What?" He asked innocently...then got a sad look on his face.

"What is it Frank?" Bob asked, noticing his glum expression.

"Just...that animal reminds me of Jamia..." Frank said. Everyone looked at him again, Carol and Britney mouth's gaping at what he just said.

"You're comparing Jamia to THAT?!" Carol asked, appalled.

"Oh my! I would never do that...Jamia's beautiful, which why shouldn't she be? I HAVE been told we look alike." Frank said with a grin. Then his tone got serious again. " I worded that wrong...I meant that it reminded me of the time one of our dogs bit me, and she spent an hour with bandaging the wound. It just reminded me of how loyal she was and how much I truly miss her....not that you aren't doing a great job, Mikey." Frank said, noticing at the slightly insulted look on the bassist's face.

"No...I get what you mean. I miss Alicia." Mikey said...everyone nodding. With each passing day on that dirty, tiresome island, everyone was missing their partner more and more.

"This whole incident just made me realize...we NEED to get off this island...and apparently it's not just going to happen...atleast not soon. We need to do something. I don't care if I don't get any sleep, I'm not doing ANYTHING until I think of a way to get off this island." Frank said.

"'s not exactly as simple as you're making it out to be, Frank." Britney said.

"Yeah...what are we going to do...swim?" Mikey asked. Ray just shook his head. He couldn't swim in real life...he figured natural instinct just kicked in when swimming to shore. But across the whole thing? GOD no.

"I was being facetious, Ray." Mikey reassured him.

"Oh." Ray said, relieved.

"Although swimming is out of the question, Frank's right, dammit! We need to come up with something. All I know is I haven't showered in GOD knows how long....and I miss Lyn-z." Gerard said, standing up.

"I can understand the Lyn-z stuff, Gerard. But when it comes to the showers, you smell about how you did before the island, don't deny it." Bob said, looking up at Gerard. Gerard opened his mouth to argue, but closed it. Bob did have a point.

"Alright...well let's stop this babbling and come up with something!" Ray said. And everyone on the island put their heads together to find a way back to their old lives.