
Just Sleep (Again...)

"Wait...we can build a boat!" Gerard said. Mikey looked at his brother.

"Oh...GREAT idea, Gerard. I'll just go get hammer and nails we HAVE and GET RIGHT ON THAT!" Mikey said sarcastically.

"Don't have to be mean..."Gerard said.

"I'm sorry...I haven't slept in hours." Mikey mumbled, patting his brother.

"None of us have." Frank added, nodding. Well, actually, that was *technically* not true, given that Bob had been getting a nap here and there. But hey...who was counting? (They were...he was currently on his sixth.)

"Frank...we're not going to think of something...ESPECIALLY not while we're this tired. Why don't we call it a night...or in this case I think a morning. We'll try again once we've all had rest." Britney said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"I dunno...I feel pretty good." Bob said, who had obviously woken up.

"I'm speaking for the people who DIDN'T sleep, Bob." Britney said. And with that, everyone on the island walked to where they sleep.

"Well...what will I do for the next few hours?" Bob asked.

"Think of something!" Gerard yelled back.

Bob thought. Then, he walked to his spot, and went back to sleep.

About nine hours later, some of them started waking up. Everyone, especially Gerard and Mikey, were always very grumpy in the mornings, due to not having coffee. Mikey, Bob, and Britney were sitting, looking around at everyone else who was asleep. Frank was awake too, he was washing himself on the other side of the island.

"God...I feel so much better now that I've had some sleep." Bob said.

"Yeah." Britney said.

"Hmmph." Gerard groaned (like I said...not a morning person.)

They were all sitting back, yawning and enjoying just being able to relax, when they heard something.

"OH MY GOD! NO! NO! NO! NO! Please no...." They heard. It was Frank. He sounded like he was crying. This wasn't good.