

About a week later, everything was back to normal (well, as normal as things can be stranded on a desert island.) Everyone was getting along, and the chicken-duck was almost completely healed. Although everything WAS normal, that also meant everyone was back to being utterly bored. They were just lying around, talking.

"What's the weirdest dream any of you have had?" Frank asked, trying to make conversation. "Let's start with you, Gerard." He said, grinning.

"And by Gerard he means you, Mikey." Gerard said, pointing to his brother, giving Frank a glare.

"Uh...'kay. weirdest dream...? I'm not sure...I've had a lot. OH! I know my weirdest's actually tied with another one I had a few years ago where..." Mikey looked around. "Nevermind. Anyways, my weirdest dream was about two years ago. Alicia was gone for the night, so I was sleeping alone. I dreamt I was on a boat in the middle of the ocean. Then, I walked a level down and the boat became a disco, with lights and everything. But by the way the room was moving, I knew we were still in the boat. Anyways, at the DISCO, they were playing out Lady of Sorrows. Gerard came out and like some teenage girl, he squealed about how much he "loved that song." Then he lipsynched along with it, with Bob playing along with a flute. And I think that Frank and Ray were doing some sort of jig. Then we all sang some random song about penguins that I think I had seen on a children's show once. The weirdest part was, when I woke up, later that morning they played "Our Lady of Sorrows" on the radio...and Gerard lypsynched along." Mikey said.

"Oh...I remember that. You gave me this really weirded out look...was that why?" Gerard asked.

"Yeah...that and you're eyeliner was really smudged." Mikey said.

"Oh." Gerard said, almost tearing up at how much he missed eyeliner.

"I had a really weird dream once." Bob said.

"What?" Britney asked.

"It was not long after the "Famous Last Words" leg was still it was hard to sleep. But when I finally got to sleep, things got weird. I was actually on an island, although it wasn't deserted. Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Ray and I were doing some promotional thing for My Chemical Romance, and we were at this tropical party. Anyways, Ray got up on the platform and started hula dancing. And when I looked around, suddenly everybody was in these grass skirts, and we danced along with him. Ray was leading the hula, and then Gerard started crying because he wanted to lead the hula. And then we filmed our next video here for I song I don't even know called "Broken Tangerines." And the lyrics were all about different types of fruit, sung to the tune of Disenchanted. And I think Frank was running around trying to get people to take this watermelon he was carrying, telling them it had gone bad. It was really, really weird." Bob said.

"Wow...that's even weirder than mine." Mikey said.

"What about you, Frank?" Carol asked.

"I actually think my weirdest one was on this island. I don't remember much about it...all I know was we were all ballroom dancing to the song "We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister. That was pretty weird." Frank said. "Anyone else?"

"On this island I once dreamt that Gerard was a lizard." Britney started. "He was flirting with the Turtle I have back home. That was...interesting."

"I had a dream that I was the President." Frank said.

"Of the United States?" Ray asked.

"That's what I thought at first...later in the dream I found out I was just the President of this Chucky Cheese I lived near." Frank said.

"I dreamt that I was dating the chicken-duck." Ray said. Everyone looked at him. "What? You ASKED for a weird dream."

Everyone was still talking about their dreams when they heard thunder.

"Just great. I didn't even get to SAY my dream." Carol said, taking shelter like everyone else.