
The Storm

"This is going to be a big one." Gerard said, gathering up the few things they had. Frank started laughing.

"Grow up, Frank!" Ray yelled.

"Never..." Frank said. As he said that, he felt a drop on his head. He looked up.

"Oh sh*t..." Gerard said, looking up. "Maybe we should uh..."

"Get the hell out of here?" Britney said.

"Yah. Take shelter over there." Gerard said, pointing to the other side of the island.

"Alright....I'll go get...uh..." Bob looked around at the lack of things they had on the island. "Well...yeah let's go!" He said, running. It was alright starting to furiously pour on them. They all ran under a cave like group of rocks on the opposite side of the island. This wasn't just an average was dangerous. Winds were so heavy, things were blowing everywhere. They all huddled together under the rocks, hugging eachother, trying their best not to get soaked.

Frank sat back, breathing heavily. Then he thought. He felt like he...forgot something. Suddenly, his eyes grew wide, and he gasped.

"OH NO!" Frank said, getting up. Gerard pulled on his pants.

"Get down, Frank! This is dangerous enough as it is, you can-"

"SHUT it, Gerard!" Frank said, tearing up.

"What the hell's the matter, Frank?" Carol asked.

"BERT! I f*cking forgot Bert! I cannot BELIEVE I forgot him!" Frank yelled, running out. Mikey grabbed his leg.

"Listen...I want to help the little dude too...but c'mon Frank! Get a clue! It's dangerous as hell out are not going out there!' He yelled. He looked at Frank's sad eyes, and his spoke in a warmer tone.

"If you go out there, you COULD die, Frank. Stay in here. When the storm is over, we'll find Bert and do the best we can to help him, but for right now we need to wait for this to pass."

"But...he's my buddy." Frank said, sniffling.

"Frank, *you're* OUR buddy...we don't want you hurt." Mikey said. Frank sat there, defeated look in his eyes. Then, his face grew stern.

"I have to try!" Frank said, running out into the storm.

"Frank! DAMMIT FRANK GET BACK HERE!" Gerard yelled, trying to grab at him. Too late. There was nothing any of them could do at that point...just sit back, hope, and pray their friend would make it back okay.