

It had been twenty minutes, and everyone was extremely worried. Getting Bert shouldn't be taking this long, should it?

"What's taking him so long?" Gerard asked, pacing, quickly peering out.

"Maybe Bert ran away...knowing Frank and his devotion to that damn du- CHICKEN-duck, he would probably take as long as needed to find him." Mikey said, trying to calmly reassure Gerard as well as himself. But inside he doubted that...he had the worst feeling something bad happened to his friend and fellow bandmate.

"Yeah..,you're probably right." Gerard said, doubting it himself. He sat back down. After that, no one spoke. At this point, Britney was crying, and Carol was on the verge of it. About ten minutes later, Gerard stood up again.

"I have to find him."Gerard said, tears forming in his own eyes.

"Gerard....don't." Mikey said, standing up. He didn't want to lose a friend AND a brother.

"I have to! This island is NOT going to win. We are ALL going to make it out alive...*all* of us...I know he'd do the same for me." Gerard said.

"Yeah...but he also risked his life to save a farm animal." Mikey grumbled.

"Which proves his selflessness..." Gerard said. And he was out.

"Frank?!" Gerard yelled, fighting against the strong wind. Things were flying everywhere, he had to be careful not to get hit. He walked forward more, and saw something that made his heart sink. Bert. He was under a rock, safe and sound...which means something did happen to Frank. And worse, this whole rescue mission of his was pointless, because Bert was fine.

"Oh damn." Gerard said, quickening his pace.

"Frank? FRANK?! Bert's going to be okay! Come back here!!!" Gerard said, searching for him. Again, nothing. He thought he heard Mikey calling for him...but he couldn't be sure with the loud wind. Suddenly, he heard a closer that made him smile.

"Gerard?" Frank called. Gerard turned around in relief.

"Frank?" Gerard asked. His voice really hurt from yellling over the wind. He walked toward him when he felt something hard hit his head. He felt where he was hit, and suddenly his world went black.