

"How...? Wait, why?!" Carol asked Marty, absolutely bewildered. Marty took a bite of a fish Gerard fixed (well burned, actually....) for him.

"I have been searching for you the past few months you guys have been gone....guess I got lucky and actually found you." He said, taking a final bite of his fish.

"Oh my god! That's so's your boat?" Britney asked, looking around. Marty's smile faded.

"Yeah...well, that's the thing. You see...when coming here...I had seen you....and the excitement from that made me jump out of my boat and swim here....which is why I'm soaking wet. Seeing you again made me forget everything" Marty trailed off. Everyone groaned....except Bob, who was still tired.

"Except what?" He asked. Everyone looked at him, and realization kicked in. "Oh...damn." He said simply.

"How could you do that?!" Carol asked, suddenly mad at Marty blowing their chances of getting off the island.

"Because...I was just so happy to see you....I love you, Carol." He said, tears forming in his eyes.

"Aww...that's so sweet....BUT STILL! WE. COULD. HAVE. ESCAPED!" She said. She saw him looking down, more tears forming in his eyes. She calmed down a little.

"I'm sorry....I'm just sick to *death* of this island...but I know you meant well...besides..." She started to grin. " I have you here." She said, in almost a wicked way. He smiled back at her, kissing her cheek.

"Well *I* still think you're an idiot!" Britney said, rolling her eyes.

"Nice to see you again too, Britney." Marty said facetiously.

It was later...and everyone was gathered around the fire, Carol and Marty especially cozy. Britney looked to Marty.

"Hey...uh...sorry about earlier...I was just...cranky I guess." She said to him.

"It's no problem...I should've been less forgetful." Marty said, popping a berry into his mouth.

"Uh...can I ask you something?" Britney asked slowly.

"Uh...sure." Marty said, slightly hesitantly.

"It's's Tommy?" Britney asked, curious about her boyfriend, whom she hadn't seen in months.

"Uh...." Marty started nervously. This wasn't exactly going to be great news.