

"He's...uh...he's doing fine from what I know. I hadn't seen him in awhile...." Marty glanced at Britney, and sighed. "...when I left to try to find Carol, I asked if he wanted to come. He told me he thought it was pointless...that you were gone, and that he...." Marty was starting to sweat. He looked at Britney, distraught look on her face. "...needed to move on." Britney was getting tears in her eyes.

"Move...on? How exactly?" She said, not really wanting to hear the answer. By the look on Marty's face, she already knew. "What's....her name?" She sighed.

"Joanna." Marty said slowly.

"Oh wow." Britney said, leaning back. This was hard to take. She spent the next hour shouting out profanity and crying.

"I'm really, REALLY sorry, Brit." Marty said. He had been friends with Britney before he even met Carol. He didn't feel anything romantic toward her, but she was one of his best friends, and he truly felt bad.

"It's...not your fault." She said, wiping her eyes. She was calming down. Carol got up and sat next to her, patting her shoulder.

"He's a jerk...he and Joanna deserve eachother." Marty said.

"You don't even know Joanna." Britney said.

"Yeah...but I'll bet she's a bitch." He said.

"That's sweet and all, but let's not go knocking her..." Britney said.

"Really?" Bob said.

"Nope. I hope he and that bitch have ugly kids!" Britney said.

"Oh yeah...that reminds me...." Marty said. Carol looked at him....she knew where this was going.

"...What?" Britney said, really not ready for more "news."

"Uh...he kind of got Joanna pregnant...he told me a few weeks ago by phone." He said. "Again Brit...I'm really sorry. He's a big jerk...I'll be the first to admit it." Marty said, getting up to hug Britney.

"Yeah, Brit, Tommy didn't deserve you." Carol said.

"Yeah...I bet he didn't." Mikey mumbled. Gerard looked at his brother. They needed to talk later.

It was later at night. The tears were over, and the profanity was done. Britney was asleep with everyone else. Mikey was the only one awake, helping make the fire bigger. Gerard woke up and after a few minutes, slowly walked towards Mikey. He sat next to his brother, and yawned.

"Hey." Mikey said.

"Hey..." Gerard started. "You alright?"

"I'm fine..." Mikey said with a sigh.

"'re not. What's up?" Gerard asked.

"It's just...Britney. She didn't deserve that jerk." Mikey grumbled. Gerard looked at him. "What? It's true. She deserves someone who will treat her good...y'know?" He sighed.

"Sounds like....nevermind." Gerard said.


"It sounds like you might have a few lingering feelings for her." Gerard said.

", it's not like that. It's just....I've grown to love her like a sister. I just don't want to see her hurt, that's all." Mikey said, looking down.

"That's all? Are you *sure* that's all it is, Mike?"

"Positive." Mikey said. "Go back to bed, I'm fine." Gerard looked at Mikey, hesitantly. "Really...go back to sleep."

Gerard nodded and did as his brother said, and was soon snoring on the ground.

"She's like a sister...that's ALL it is..." Mikey said. He looked at Britney, who was alseep. "...I think."
♠ ♠ ♠
I know in real life Mikey and Alicia are together and doing good, and I couldn't be more happy for them in real life. But alone on an island, I'm going to make it so Mikey isn't COMPLETELY all about Alicia. But it's JUST for the story...just thought I'd clarify.