
Carol Finds Out...Sort Of.

"I love your cute little nose."

"I love *your* cute little nose."

"Yours is cuter."

"Oh no...that would me yours, sweetums!" Marty and Carol were acting as if they first's amazing how much electricity surfaces when you haven't seen your fiance in months. But just because they liked it, doesn't mean anyone else did.

"Sweetums? two sound like one of those '50's couples from the movies." Britney mumbled.

"Alright Brit....I get it, what Tommy did to you sucked...but don't take it out on us." Carol said, placing fish in Marty's mouth. He started to kiss her fingers.

"Uh...actually, I think we're all getting a little annoyed with....that." Gerard said, motioning to finger-licking Marty.

"'s great you two like eachother...but c'mon. We don't all want to...see it." Mikey said.

" ALL feel this way?" Carol asked, looking around.

"Yes." They all said in unison.

Well fine. guys pout. C'mon, sugar, let's eat elseswhere." Marty said, grabbing Carol's arm. The two headed for the other side of the island.

Mikey was walking around the island, thinking things through. He was feeling very...odd lately. After awhile, I guess walking around like a mindless robot get's someone's attention.

" okay?" Carol asked. Mikey snapped out of it.

"Wha-? Oh...yeah...I'm fine." Mikey said with a shrug.

"No you're not. What's eating you?" Carol said.

"Nothing...really. Go back to Marty." Mikey said, walking away. Carol wouldn't hear of it. She walked right in front of him, blocking his path.

"Excuse me, Carol."



"Tell me what's bugging'll feel better." Carol said. Mikey was about to argue, but decided talking might help. He walked over to a rock and sat down, Carol doing the same.

"Alright...well, lately...I've been having...feelings for someone." Mikey started.

"Stop right there, Mike. I know exactly what you're talking about." Carol said.

"Well I...wait. You do?" Mikey asked, bewildered.

"Yeah...that's why I was pressuring you. I've had a feeling awhile...and this proves it." Carol said.

"How'd you...know?" Mikey asked.

"I've been around awhile...nobody has that much passion for just a *friend.*" Carol said.

"Well...what do I do?" Mikey asked.

"I guess...just tell him." Carol said.

"Well....I thought of that, but...wait. Did you just say tell HIM?" Mikey asked. Carol nodded.

"You WERE talking about Frank...right?" Carol asked.

"NO!!! No...I was talking about..." Mikey started. Should he tell her?