
Getting Hungry...

"Four hours....fifteen minutes." Ray said...very tired.

"You don't have to say to announce it every five minutes." Frank said, zipping up Gerards coat higher (it was his turn.) He glanced back at Gerard, who he saw giving his cell phone a final try.

"Dammit.....dammit.... DAMMIT! Why won't this stupid thing work?! How far away ARE we?!"

"Four hours...17 minutes...." Ray said, practically falling asleep.

"Shut up, Ray!" Every member of the band said in unison, including Ray (he knew it was coming.)

"'d think you'd be a little nicer to the person who provided you with some food." Ray mumbled, braiding his hair (it was how he was entertaining himself.)

"Ray, you split half an old, soggy Twinkie with us. We owe you NOTHING..." Frank said, still trying to wash the taste out of his mouth.

"Well it's better than than nothing at all." Ray said, glaring at Frank.

"I'm starving." Mikey groaned...holding hi stomach.

"Yeah, well you look starving...although that's how you always look." Bob stated.

"Shut up! We need to think of how we're going to get some food." Gerard said, slowly putting on his thinking face (which is the same as his normal face.)

"I once saw this thing on fishing with your bare hands...I might not be great, but I can give it a shot." Mikey said, rolling up his sleeves.

"Hey...what about me? I don't eat meat....and I'm not going to start just because we're stuck." Frank said, chewing his nails like they were food.

"Can't you just suck it up until we're safe? It doesn't really count when your life is at stake." Ray said, thinking of the fish.

"C'mon, can't we think of some other way to get food...for me?" Frank pleaded. All the band members felt sympathy for their poor, vegan band member. So they sent him away while they got the fish,

"You guys are jerks!" Frank yelled, chewing on a twig.