
Confusion and Suspicion

"I'm talking....about...." He might as well say now. "...I was talking about Britney." Mikey breathed out.

"Oh, so it's a girl." Carol stated.

"I..." He stared at her. "Yes! What did you expect...I DO have a wife at home y'know." Mikey said with a grin. But saying that, he soon started to frown. "A wife that I love...I have no idea what to do!" Mikey sat back.

" you've just said you love Alicia.'s what you have to ask yourself: do you *love* Britney, or just have a *thing* for her? If you *love* her, then it will be tougher. But if you just have a *thing* for her, then your decision is right there."

"I don't know if I love her. I have an awesome time with her...and I have feelings...but love? I don't know."

" soon as you can answer that'll have a bettert idea of what to do." Carol smiled warmly. He looked down, obviously upset.

"Man...this is really bugging you, huh?" Carol said as sympathetic as possible. Mikey just nodded...tears coming to his eyes. Carol got up and gave him a warm hug. At first he didn't return it, but after about ten seconds, he grabbed her and held her for over a minute.

"Thanks a lot, Carol. We should really talk more often." Mikey said.

"Yeah...we should. I have to get back to Marty'll be okay, right?" She asked.

"I think...I hope." He said in all honesty. She patted his back one more time and walked off.

"Hey Carol...I've barely seen you all day. What's up?" Britney asked her friend.

"Uh...nothing. Just...talking." Carol said.

"Um...yeah...I noticed you hugging Mikey." Britney said, trying to sound uninterested.

"Yeah...he was just having trouble...I was helping him." Carol said.

"Oh..." Britney started. "What was the trouble?"

"Uh...nothing." Carol said, walking away.

"What's up." Bob said, randomly appearing behind Britney.

"I don't you think something is going on between Carol and Mikey?" Britney asked.

"I don't know...but Marty really makes me want a doughnut." Bob said back.

"Well, I hope no- WHAT?" Britney asked.

"Before he came here, he dropped by Krispy Kreme...he smells like glaze. And now I want a doughnut." Bob said.

Britney just looked at him, shaking her head. Then she walked away. He shrugged and got an apple...wishing it was a doughnut.