

" going to tell her?" Carol asked.

"I don't know." He said, looking down. The two just sat there, lookind down. What they didn't know was that Britney was watching. Ray sat down next to her and started to look at her intently. He just kept on looking at her, and she eventually turned around.

"Stop staring at me." She said.

"You're staring at them." Ray said back.

"That's different."


"Because I think they are in a relationship." She snapped.



"You're SO jealous."

"No. No I'm not."

"Jealous, jealous, jealous." Ray tisked.

"I'M NOT FREAKING JEALOUS." Britney said. "Just...concerned. Mikey has a wife you know."

"Oh...he does? So THAT'S the lady who he's always with. I just figured it was his mother." Ray said.

"You're not amusing me, Ray."

"It's just...Alicia, HIS WIFE, didn't seem to bother you when the two of you made out." Ray said.

"That's different." Britney muttered.

", exactly, is that different?"

"Because it was with me!" She yelled. She covered her mouth...too late.

"You're JEALOUS!" Ray sang.

"No. It's just....we made a mistake...I admit it. I don't want him to make it again. And Carol has Marty. It's just....wrong."

"Haha...okay." Ray said, starting to walk away. Britney turned around, taking a bite of her apple. Ray quickly ran up to her.

"JEALOUS!" He yelled. Britney spent the next half hour chasing Ray around the island.