
Just Say No

Mikey and Britney were gathering fish for dinner that night. Mikey watched Britney dive into the water to catch it, falling in and splashing in the water. He had to tell let her know how he felt.

"Hey Mikey...can I ask you something?" Britney asked, out of breath from the splashing around. Mikey snapped out of his thoughts.

"What?" He asked, slightly dumfounded.

"Can I ask you something?" She repeated.


"It's just...." Britney started. She cleared her throat. "Is there something going on between you and Carol?"

" Why would you, uh, think that?" He asked.

"It's just...I've seen you two talking a lot lately, and...I dunno. two aren't, like, together?" Britney asked, slightly embarrassed.

"No...not at all. You really have no clue, do you?" He asked, slight smile on his face.

"Uh...I guess not. I mean, I just saw you two together and I drew random conclusions, and I don't know, I-"

Britney's words were cut off when Mikey grabbed her face and gave her a kiss. It lasted almost a minute, when she pulled away.

"What the hell was that?" She asked, torn between shock, confusion, and a hint of excitement.

"I just...I don't...uh..." Mikey couldn't find the words. "I guess...uh..." He reallly could not find the words. Britney just looked at him...he had to say something.

"Lately...I dunno...I've had these feelings, and I....sort of lost control. I'm sorry." He said, cheeks turning red.

"Like...feelings of lust....or....something more?" Britney asked, slightly hopeful.

"I don't know...I probably should've figured that out myself before kissing you. I just...lost control I guess."

"Well...if it helps, I feel the same way." Britney said. Mikey leaned in for another kiss, when she turned her head away.

"Don't." She said. Mikey looked away, ashamed. He started to walk away when she grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Hold it." She said. "You should know...I really wanted to retaliate on that kiss, so much you don't even know." She started.

"Then why-"

"You have a wife. A wife you know you love...and you had to think twice about loving me...but you KNOW you love her. On this island I have made a LOT of stupid mistakes...but the thing with Tommy made me realize how much it sucks to know that someone who you care for, deeply, is just going around with someone else. I don't want you to do that to Alicia like Tommy did that to me." Britney said.

"But...she doesn't have to know, Brit. Nobody does." Mikey said, leaning in for another kiss. Again, she turned her head.

"You say that now because you're on an island, far, FAR away from anyone else. You have no regrets now. But say we do get rescued, and we're back. Tell me you won't want to go back to Alicia...because you will. You know it, and I know it. Now...tell me that that guilt won't eat you up for the rest of your life. Don't blow something great you have with her over a small fling. It's not worth it...believe me." She said. She walked up to him and gave him a hug.

Mikey knew she was right...but it was very hard. To be alone on an island for this long, wasn't easy. But he did love Alicia...and Britney was right. She was worth the wait.

"Thanks." He said simply. And that was the end of that.