

"I wonder when we are going to get off this damn island. Are we going to be here the rest of our lives?!" Britney asked Carol.

"I dunno...I don't think it's that bad." Carol said with a smile.

"That's because, in an unnatural coincidence, you're boyfriend ended up here. Mine? With some girl he got pregnant." Britney mumbled.

"In all fairness, I don't think you can exactly call him "yours" anymore..." Carol said. Britney glared at her.

"Sorry." She said.

"It's just....I miss having someone to be romantic with." Britney said. "I see you and Marty and it makes me ache for that again."

"Uh...I'm not sure if you realize this, but you DID have your chance..." Carol said.

"...With a married man. A HAPPILY married man." Britney said.

"I don't think he's too happily married right now." Carol said.

"Yeah...but if we ever to get off this island, all three of us would've been in for a world of hurt." Britney said with a sigh. She grabbed for an apple on the tree...but the branch was too high and she couldn't reach. She motioned for Gerard, who was nearby, to come help her. But he just waved her plea of help away.

"Jerk." She said to herself. But then she knew why he did that as a large hand reached past her head for the apple, and handed it to her. She turned around. Mikey.

Mikey and Britney hadn't talked since the incident. Whenever they got near eachother, they'd walk in the opposite directions. It had been about five days since they had talked, and about two days since they had even seen eachother.

"Thanks." Britney said, taking a bite. He opened his mouth to say something, but she walked away before he could. He sighed and, once again, walked off in the other direction.

"Gerard?" Ray asked a sleepy Gerard by the fire.


"Would you rather fly or be able to levitate things?"

" Why?"

"No reason." Ray said, drawing a smiley face in the sand with a stick. Everything was calm and peaceful outside. Suddenly, from nowhere, he heard screaming. It was Carol.

"Ray!!! Watch out!!! Mar-!" Carol started. That's all Ray heard before Marty had knocked him to the ground.