
When It's Over

Ray was on the ground, slightly knocked out. Mary's face was red, his eyes watery. Carol was to the side, crying. What the hell happened? Marty was beating on Ray endlessly. Ray got himself together, trying to stop Marty.

"Wha....WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Ray asked, out of breath, still blocking Marty's blows.

"Paying you back for what you did!" Marty said. Ray got up a little, making the beating more challenging than it was before.
"What did I ever do to you?!" Ray asked, finally able to stand up. Gerard grabbed Marty, arms still flailing, and brought him away from Ray. Mikey went up to Ray, checking him to see if he got any wounds. A few bruises, and a small cut, but nothing too serious. Ray repeated himself, only in a more calm matter.

"What did I do to you?" Ray asked again.

"You don't know?" Marty asked, in between anger and surprise. "You should."

"Well I don't. So enlighten me, why don't you?"

"You kissed my fiance." Marty said, spitting out a little blood.

"I never-" Ray started. He cut himself off...he *completely* forgot about Carol and him earlier on the island. "Oh..." He just said.

"Yeah. That's right....OH!!!" Marty said, trying to get away from Gerard to get to Ray. Didn't really work.

"Fine...maybe now I can't...but when I get the chance I'm going to kick your bushy-headed ass!" Marty yelled, spitting again.

"Uh...that was awhile ago...months even. You have no idea how lonely it gets on this island, man. But she loves you...and now she has you. And you have her. Don't let anger get the best of you." Ray said. Marty looked as if he were starting to calm down. Then, he seemed to grow angry again.

"I'M STILL GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!" Marty said, struggling once again to get away from Gerard. This time, it worked. Marty immediatelly ran to Ray and started to beat on him again.

"Marty...Marty....DAMMIT MARTY, LISTEN UP!!" Carol said, losing her temper. Everything stopped.

"Marty...I thought we could make it through this...I wanted to be honest, and I thought you could handle it. My mistake." Carol said. She threw her engagement ring on Martys chest, and walked away.

"But Carol..." Marty pleaded.

"NO! We. Are. Done. You blew this...not me. I made some mistakes....but you made the biggest." She said, tears forming in her eyes. Marty just sat there. He had stopped beating on he just sat there, a very empty look on his face. No emotion at all...not angry, not sad, not depressed. Just nothing...and it was the saddest nothing you have ever seen.
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On the slight chance that any of you watch "The Office", you might notice this is slightly similar to what happened with Pam/Roy. I really didn't do that on purpose...but being an avid watcher myself, I just thought I'd address that.