

Caroline was near the apple tree, crying. Marty was near the fire...not exactly crying ('cause he's a guy, I dunno...) but teary eyed. Probably in a worse of state then Carol, actually. Britney had been sitting with Carol, comforting her for about an hour, reassuring her than everything would be fine.

"It's relationship ended too. I know how it feels..." Britney said.

"Yeah...but you're miserable...I was happy!" Carol said in a lot harsher of a way than she had planned.

"Gee...thanks." Britney said sarcastically, starting to walk away.

"Wait, wait...Britney...I'm sorry...I'm just..." Carol started, not finishing. She looked down...a new batch of tears forming in her eyes. Britney would've stayed angry...but she knew what Carol was going through. She decided to lighten up a bit.

"It's okay...I know." Britney said...sitting back down. Carol didn't have to describe what she was feeling...Britney, unfortunately, knew all too well.

"Why did I do that? I shouldn't have done that...I should've just yelled at him...called him an "idiot" or something...not break up! GOD I'm stupid!" Carol said through her tears.

"Don't doubt yourself...and don't call yourself stupid. Maybe it was a *little* hasty...but you had perfectly good reason. Maybe when this all blows over, you two will be able to work things out." Britney said.

"Part of me wants to do make up. But the other part of me just wants to screw it...screw him." Carol grumbled.

"Uh...don't you think "screwing him" would be a big step backwards?" Britney said. Carol glared at her.

"Haha...I'm crying...PERFECT time for dirty jokes!" Carol said.

"I'm trying to cheer you up here." Britney muttered.

"Well...dirty jokes won't do that...I'm not Frank!" Carol said. Frank just happened to be walking by when she said that.

"Hey!" He said, looking at Carol. "I know you just broke up with someone...but cut ME some slack."

"Frank...she's kind of upset here. I wouldn't take anything she says seriously." Britney said.

"Hey!" Carol said.

"Remember last time you were this upset? You bought like two twelve packs of Twix bars....and the next day you realized you hated them. Luckily, I like Twix...but still. I have like twelve pictures that you drew mustaches and devil horns on - you're not sane when you're one is." Britney said. Carol just huffed.

"Still...don't say mean things about me! I just wanted an apple." Frank said, grabbing one, and running away.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the island, near the fire, Marty was just as bad as Carol. He had broken, like, twelve twigs into pieces, and was torn between rage, hurt, sadness, and a little bit of hunger. Ray kept his distance, for obvious reasons. The other guys tried to comfort Marty...but Marty was even less sane than Carol.

"I just...I want her back." Marty said.

"Then when this all blows to her." Gerard said.

"Screw her! I never want to see her again!" Marty said. Gerard looked away, rolling his eyes. This was like the tenth time he did that. When Marty was upset, he flip-flopped more than a fish out of water.

"Uh...k then." Frank said, looking at Gerard. It was one of those "are-you-sure-this-guy-isn't-a-serial-killer?" looks. Gerard just nodded it off, looking back at Marty.

"I didn't mean that...honestly. I know I've said that like three times...(*cough* TEN) but I really miss her. I'm GOING to get her back." Marty said. And he meant it this time.