
I Want Candy

Carol was reaching for an apple from the tree. Marty reached up and grabbed it, handing it to her. She glared at him...she wanted to make up with him, but not yet. She was still ticked.

"I'm as tall as you, I can get my apples for myself." Carol said, storming off. Marty just looked at her...this didn't really upset him. Now he was just determined as hell.

Britney and Carol were talking, eating apples. Marty was sitting near them, staring at Carol. All MCR members were playing a game called "Who's most likely." In it, you name something, and everyone in the group has to name who it most likely applies to.

"Okay, okay. Uh....who's most likely to come out as gay in the group?" Frank asked. Everyone looked at him.

"Nice one, Frank." Gerard said sarcastically.

"Yeah...good thinking." Ray said, also in a facetious matter.

"Bob. Definately Bob." Mikey said. Everyone was now staring at him...especially Bob.

"WHAT?!" The drummer asked.

"Uh...what?" Mikey asked back.

"You think I'm gay?" He asked.

"No. Not at all. I think you'd be MOST likely...there's a difference. And there's nothing wrong with being gay." Mikey said.

"I dunno...his girlfriend might have a problem with it." Ray muttered.

Dinner. Gerard, Bob, Carol, Britney, Ray, Mikey, and Marty were eating fish. Frank was getting his own dinner, as usual.

"So...Marty...whatcha going to do tomorrow?" Ray asked.

"Uh...I'll answer that. He's going to scratch his butt and eat sand like the true man he is." Carol said.

"Uh...that's Carol's way of saying that he's going to do something useful and important with his time." Ray said, trying to get through the awkwardness. They were all looking at Marty when they heard a scream, coming from Frank. And by scream, I mean girlish squeal. They all ran to him.

"What happened?" Gerard asked.

"I found these!" Frank said, holding up a red package. A closer looked proved them to be Skittles...a full bag. Frank immediately started to tear it open.

" really shouldn't eat those. You don't know where they've been." Ray said. Frank nodded, putting them down. He just stared at them.

"I'll risk it." He said, picking them up and sucking them all down. He threw down the wrapper with a satisfied smile.

"Man...sometimes it pays to be a Vegan." Frank said.

"How does you not eating meat have to do with finding Skittles?" Mikey asked.

"Well...while you guys were eating down the fish that you have been eating for months now, I got to have fruity goodness." Frank said, walking off. They all went back to dinner, rolling their eyes at Frank.