
I'm So Sick

"Frank?" Gerard asked, walking to him. Frank looked at him, wiping his mouth.

"...You okay, Frank?" Ray asked, examining the puke.

"I...uh..." Frank said. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he fainted.

"Frank!' Gerard said, holding his head. He caught Frank mid-air.

Frank was semi-conscious, on the ground. Everyone surrounded him, frowning.

"Those Skittles must have been bad." Ray said, noting that most of the puke was multi-colored, like the candy.

"Oh...really? I never thought-" Frank said, puking again. "Man...I'm too sick to be sarcastic."

"Need anything, Frank?" Gerard asked his sick friend.

"Uh...bring me Bert." Frank said, referring to the Chicken-duck. Gerard glanced at Bert, who was starting to eat Frank's puke.

" sure?" Gerard asked, slightly disgusted.

"Yeah." Frank said.

"Okay..." Gerard said. He edged his way to Bert. He was cautious...Bert was always friendly to Frank, but he was a bit iffy with the others. Gerard picked him up, cleaning off the puke, and brought him to Frank.

"Thanks...wait. Why is he all slimy?" Frank asked, putting him down.

"Beats me," Gerard said.

Ray was gathering more fish for them to have for dinner. As he walked away, he noticed something colorful. When he got closer, he noticed it was a Go-Gurt container. Carol suddenly appeared being him.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked in a semi-childish tone.

"Uh...I found this." He said, holding up the container. Carol's eyes lit up.

"Is it...full?" Carol said, hopefully.

"Yes...and no. You saw what happened to Frank. No. I'm dumping it." Ray said, walking off. Carol said down, scowling. She REALLY wanted the Go-Gurt."

"YOU'RE GOING TO PAY RAY TORO!" Carol yelled out. "I don't know why I ever kissed that Go-Gurt stealer in the first place." She muttered to herself, picking an apple and taking a bite, wishing it was the Go-Gurt.
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I added the Go-Gurt part because my friend, Caroline, has been obsessing over frozen Go-Gurts lately. That's why it's so random.