
Bert's Secret, Part 1

It had been two days since Frank ate the Skittles. He was starting to feel better, Bert, on the other hand, got sick from eating Frank's Skittle filled puke. He was not healing as fast. Since Frank was almost completely back to normal, he had been spending his time with Bert.

" still feel bad, don't you?" Frank said, holding the Chicken-duck.

"Why yes, but your care and the convenience you have graciously provided me with has helped my condition tremendously." Bert said. Frank screamed out loud. Gerard came out from behind a bush, laughing really hard.

"You are so easy!" Gerard said through his laughter. Frank started to giggle at what Gerard said. Gerard started to roll his eyes.

"Grow up, Frank!" Ray yelled from where he was.

"How are you feeling?" Gerard asked Frank, turning serious.

"Better. Bert on the other hand..." Frank said, looking down at the Chicken-duck.

"Not good?" Gerard asked.

"No. He's been disoriented, puking every five minutes, and he has a swollen gut." Frank said, petting Bert (god that sounds weird.)

"Sounds tough." Gerard said, Frank nodded.

"The Skittles must affect Bert's tiny body more than me..." Frank said.

"...More than you?" Gerard asked. Frank looked at him.

"Ha, ha. I'm short...I get it. Can you leave us alone?" Frank said, frustrated.

"Alone with the duck?" Gerard asked. Frank glared at him.

"CHICKEN-duck. And yes." Frank sad.

"Alright...I'll leave you two alone then." Gerard said, walking off. Frank continued to pet Bert (again, that sounds really weird.)

"Don't listen to the mean old man...he's just all up in bunches because he hasn't had any eyeliner or solid mirror for about three months." Frank cooed.

"BERT?!" Frank yelled. It was early in the morning, and everyone, asleep a minute ago, was now wide awake.

"What's wrong, Frank?" Mikey said, still groggy.

"I can't find Bert! He was here when I went to sleep, and now he's not!" Frank said. Tears were forming in his eyes.

"We'll help you find him, Frank." Carol said.

Everybody got up and looked all around the island. Finally, after about twenty minutes, they all gave up. They were all back near the fire, comforting Frank. That is, all except Ray. He was still determined to find Bert. Finally, after about ten extra minutes, he stopped. He couldn't believe what he saw.

"Uh...guys. I found Bert..." Ray said. He found Bert alright...but nothing could compare Frank and the others for what they were about to see.

"Oh my god!" Frank yelled. Everyone's mouth's gaped.
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I wrote this chapter once last night, but I accidentally deleted it. I recall the chapter had a little more to it than this, but it wasn't anything signifigant. If this chapter isn't as good, that would be why.