

Frank was splashing around with Bert and his...uh..."Chicken-ducklings" in the water. Everyone else was eating...Frank wasn't hungry. He loved all of Bert's babies...almost to an obsessive point. Everyone was about to have the same "you're getting annoying" conversation with Frank, that they had when he first got Bert. Mikey called him over...but he could already tell what they wanted. He was prepared.

"I love my-er, Berts, babies...but I got that "annoyed" vibe from you. Don't bother...I'll stop. I'm happy to have them." Frank said, with a happy yet sad look in his eyes.

"What is it, Frank?" Mikey asked.

"It's just...I think...nevermind. It's dumb." Frank said.

"I'm sure it isn't. What is it, Frank?" Carol asked.

"It's just...I dunno. If I ever get Jamia...I don't think I'd mind having a kid. I think it'd be kind" Frank said. "That is...if I ever get back." Frank said, eyes starting to water up a bit.

"It's okay...I get those feelings too. But I know that we WILL get off this me, I'm in just as much of a hurry to see Lyn-Z again." Gerard said.

"Same with me...for Alicia of course." Mikey said. He wasn't sure, but he thought Britney looked at him when he said that.

"'ll be fine. And *when* you get back, if you have a kid, I'm sure you'd be a great dad." Britney said.

"I hope really think so?" Frank asked.

"Yeah...I mean, I've seen you the way you are with Bert, and now his-HER babies." Britney said with a smile. Frank smiled, walking over to Bert and the others.

"Aw...poor Frank." Gerard said.

"Yeah...but I don't know how he's so confident about being a father...I'd freak out if I got pregnant. I's not that I don't want kids...but not this soon. Good for him, though." Britney said.

"Yeah...uh, good for him." Carol said, slightly out of it. She didn't like this topic of conversation, especially now.
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I'm not sure if Frank really wants to have kids...but I did that in this story.