

"Okay....uh....would you rather or Gerard for a day?" Mikey said. They were (obviously) playing "this or that."

"Mikey. I wouldn't want to sing." Bob said.

"Aw...but Bob, you did so well on your solo project." Britney said. Bob rolled his eyes, slight smirk on his face. It was very true...he did do excellent with that.

"Hmm...." Ray said, deep in thoughts.

"Ray...who would you be?" Gerard asked, puzzled as to why he had to think so hard about it.

"I'm....just trying to decide if I like Lyn-Z or Alicia better...." Ray said, half teasing.

"I think I like Lyn-Z better." Gerard said, momentarily forgetting he was married to her. He looked up at everyone. "What....?" He started. The lightbulb finally went off in his head.

"Oh...right." He said, blushing at how stupid he sounded. It had been a long time since he had spent time with his wife...but not THAT long. Frank decided to chip into the conversation.

"Well...let's compare. They both play Ways must have a special taste for bass players....and Alicia-"

"Can I just say that I am getting really uncomfortable with this conversation?" Mikey added in with a frown. Everyone stopped.

"I think Alicia's taller..." Bob said.

"Yeah, but Lyn-Z's pretty tall....she's about the same height as Gerard." Ray said. Mikey just rolled his eyes. Sometimes he felt as if he were on a "mute" button, the few times he actually did talk. The conversation continued on.

"...Lyn-Z's tattoos are pretty-"

"Just shut up, all of you!" Carol said, storming off.

"Uh...I'll just...yeah." Britney said, running after Carol.

"I'll come with you." Mikey said. He didn't *really* want to, but he'd rather go listen to Carol's problems than listen to how other's judge his wife.

"Hey Carol...what's the matter??" Britney asked, finally catching up. "You've been real moody lately."

"I...don't actually know. I just haven't felt good lately...." Carol mumbled.

"Yeah...and you've been a real grouch." Mikey added. Britney shot him a look. "No offense..." He said.

"Yeah. I know...I have no idea why. I just haven't felt good. I've been puking my guts out all the times, and I..." Carol started to frown. "Speaking of puke..." She said, running off to a bush. Britney stared at her, grinning like an idiot.

"You're happy because she's sick?" Mikey asked Britney.

" Did you hear all of her symptoms?" Britney said.

"Yeah....mood swings, sickness, puking, grouchiness, sweating...I guess she ate bad fish or something." Mikey said. Britney just looked at him. "What???" He asked. He just didn't get it.

"Or she could be..." Britney started.

"...Sea sick?" Mikey said. Oh. My. God. Looks like his lightbulb is dim...

"Pregnant you idiot!" Britney said. Mikey's eyes widened.

"You really think so?!" He asked.

"Yeah...I've seen this before. She HAS to be." Britney said. Mikey and Britney both smiled at eachother, walking off to comfort Carol. Suddenly, Mikey's face went from smiling to a worried frown.

"Uh...Britney...." Mikey started.


"Right before I left for the cruise, Alicia was puking a lot. She was always sick...and she had lots of mood swings...and...." Mikey started. "Could it just be the flu????" He asked, suddenly worried as hell.

"Uh...yeah. Sure." Britney said, walking off. Mikey just stared at her, slowly trailing behind, mind off on another planet.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it has nothing to do with this chapter...but I thought that I'd just mention that Frank and Jamia got married just a few days ago. Congrats guys!