
Secret's Out

Britney and Mikey got back to the fire where everyone else was. Carol wanted her space, and, assuming her condition, they agreed and let her grumpiness go.

"I think Alicia looks better in eyeliner..." Bob said.

"Yeah...but Lyn-Z's makeup is awesome...although she also looks good without it." Ray said.

"Okay, alright....let's stop this comparison. I distinctly left to avoid this awkwardness." Mikey said, sitting down. He thought a minute. "And....all of you have somebody else....if you compete with anything, it should be your own girlfriend." Mikey said. Bob and Ray looked at eachother, and started to open their mouths.

"Nevermind. Don't do that either...we may have a big issue on our hands." Mikey said, lowering the volume of his voice. "Britney and I think that Carol is...." Mikey started. He caught a glimpse of Marty, who would almost definately be the father if Carol was pregnant. If it was true, he'd be giving it away for her. And it was not true, he'd be getting Marty worked up for nothing. He thought things over a bit.

"Carol is...?" Frank said to Mikey, who was still thinking. Mikey decided.

"Carol is...really upset. She's been extra grumpy lately, since breaking up with Marty." Mikey said. He couldn't think of anything else.

"Serves her right...she's the one who broke it off." Marty said.

"Uh...maybe you should ease up on her a bit, Marty. She's having a rough time." Britney said.

"I know. About the breakup....the relationship that she chose to throw away." Marty said.

"You know....maybe now would be a good time to talk to her....a lot can change." Mikey said.

"Nope. She's the one who ended it....if anything were to happen, she'd make the first move." Marty said. Britney shot him a look, which he ignored.

"I'm just saying...breaking this off was SO stupid....of her. I'm not going to apologize for something I didn't do."

"She did it because you blatantly attacked Ray!"

"Because she cheated with him!"

"It was only a kiss!"

"That doesn't make a difference. What she did was crap and I was angry!"

"Fine...but that doesn't mean you have to be a jerk to her!"

"Why should I care about her? SHE dumped me!"

Mikey was at his boiling point.

"Because she MIGHT be pregnant with your child, you selfish, arrogant jackass!" Mikey shouted. Britney gaped at him, as did everyone else. Marty looked at him like a deer caught in the headlights.

" I......what?" Marty asked. He slumped back and looked at the ground. He looked down without saying anything. Mikey immediately wished he could turn back time.