
The Truth

"Is Carol really pregnant?" Gerard asked in awe.

"We're not positive, but we think so." Mikey said, looking at Marty, who still had a stunned look on his face.

"And you are sure Marty is the father?" Bob asked.

"Of course I am!" Marty yelled. Then he suddenly stopped and thought. "Unless...none of you have slept with her, have you?" Marty said. He would of never even CONSIDERED it, but after certain events. He found himself looking at Ray.

"No. We just kissed...I swear." Ray said. Everyone else shook their heads.

"So ha! I AM the father! I'm the-!" Marty said, stopping, and staying silent. "I'm....going to be a father?" He asked himself.

"Maybe...we're not positive. It's just that all of Carol's symptoms point to it." Britney said.

"If you ARE right...then Carol's most likely going to have a baby on the island." Frank said.

" will we...?"

"Hey guys...sorry about earlier. I just haven't felt too good." Carol said, sitting down. "I heard screaming...what are you guys talking about?" Carol asked.

"Uh..." Everyone said, mumbling. Should they ask? Does she know? Is she EVEN pregnant? Marty decided for all of them.

"ARE YOU REALLY PREGNANT?" He blurted, nerves getting the best of him. Carol just looked at him, mouth gaping at him. At first, Mikey thought that he and Britney were wrong.

"How did you know that?!" Carol asked. Everyone stared. Mikey and Britney were right.