
Bob, the Peacemaker.

There was Ray, holding Gerard's tattered jacket(s). He looked up at Gerard.

"I am SO sorry, Gerard. I didn't mean to." Ray said, squeezing the jacket between his sweaty hands, terrified of what's to come. Things went quiet for a minute, and then, before they knew it, Gerard was on the ground with Ray, screaming at him about his favorite jacket.

"That was my favorite jacket you dumb ass! It cost me fifty bucks and that ain't cheap you stupid piece of-"

"Enough!" Gerard was interrupted by the screaming voice of Bob. All MCR members turned their heads towards him.

"We have got to quit this stupid fighting, guys! We are stuck on this stupid island, and as much as we may hate it, we are alone here , until we get rescued....if we do. Now, forgetting a source of food was stupid...ripping Gerard's jacket was careless...but we can't just gang up on one's not right. Ray, are you okay?" Bob helped Ray up and discovered that Ray had a black eye and a bloody lip. Bob tore up a piece of his shirt and gave it to Ray to put on his lip. He picked up the pieces of Gerard's jacket and handed it to Gerard. Then he walked over to grab an apple, sat back, and started into it.

"Bob's right guys...we are all we have left for now. We have to get along as best as we can." Frank said, putting his arm around Gerard and Ray. He was in a better mood now that he had eaten.

"Yeah...he's right." Mikey agree, going to join the other guys. They were all huddled together, when from a distance they could hear snoring. They looked back at a sleeping Bob.

"So much for our peacemaker..." Gerard said. He then proceeded to walk up to Bob, take the apple out of his hands, and take a big bite, with a giant grin.

Everything was then good with the My Chemical Romance members on the island...for now.