

"Ugh..." Gerard moaned, leaning back.

"What are you whining about now?" Mikey asked.

"I want to go home! Seriously....this is getting ridiculous. Somebody HAS to rescue us sometime..." Gerard said.

"Hey...didn't we start to make a plan to leave awhile ago?" Bob asked.

" never worked though. GOD I would give anything to see Jamia again." Frank said.

"Me too." Ray said. Frank looked at him. "Only for Krista." He said, blushing.

"I knew what you meant." Frank said. "'s the fish coming?"

"It's going...ugh..." Carol started. She was interrupted by sickness, rushing to the back of a bush.

"I'm sick of the fish too, but overreaction, much?" Gerard asked. He thought a minute. "Oh, right."

"Bob, go check on the fish." Britney said. Bob did as he was told.

"It's almost done." He said, not really caring. At this point, a dog biscuit would taste better.

"I'm going to see if Carol's okay." Marty said, getting up. Once he left, Britney moved over toward Gerard.

"Do you REALLY think they are back together." She asked.

"I think so...they are so obvious about it. You notice how Marty got up to help Carol?" Gerard asked.

"Well, yeah. But she's pregnant with his child...what do you expect?" Britney asked.

"Wouldn't she be done puking by now?" Gerard asked. Britney thought about it.

"I guess...but that still doesn't prove anything." Britney said.

"There have been other things too." Ray chimed in. "I saw him kissing her on the cheek the other day."

"So? That means nothing..." Britney said.

"Yeah...and I caught them holding hands, too." Bob added.

"Again, that's nothing." Britney said.

"Well, I saw them making out behind the bushes the other night." Frank said.

"Again, that's nothin....wait...WHAT?" Britney asked, his words suddenly sinking in.

"The other night...I was getting an apple and I saw them kissing."

"You said she was LAUGHING..." Britney said.

"Yes, while kissing." Frank said. Everyone looked at him. Suddenly Marty and Carol were walking back towards everyone else. Everyone stared.

"...What?" Carol asked.