
Is It Hard Understanding?

"Oh Marty..." Carol moaned. Britney looked up.

"What the-? HELL NO!!!" Britney said. Waking up to here your friend moaning...not fun. She stormed over to wear they were, while still looking away.

"STOPITSTOPITSTOPIT! You are having a're on an island...HAVE YOU NO SELF CONTROL?" Britney said. She was still looking away. Bad enough to hear it...but to see it? Ugh!

"What are you doing?" Carol asked.

"I hear what you two are doing and it's going to stop NOW!" Britney yelled, still looking away.

"Why is she-?"

"-I don't know, Marty. Britney...what's the big problem?" Carol asked.

"You two are doing it again...third time this week!" Britney said.

"Having a baby is helps a lot." Carol said.

" always makes her feel better." Marty said.

"But it's gross....especially when I'm near you!" Britney said.

"Relax's no big deal." Gerard said.

"Yes it is...wait. Gerard?" Britney asked. "You too?!"

"Well...yeah. It's fun and it relieves stress..."

"Are you upset because you want to join in?" Marty asked. "You can join in too." Marty said.

"What?!" Britney asked.

"Yeah...Marty will do you too if you want...he's really good, you know." Carol said.

"What the-?"

"Yeah...when Marty did me, the best twenty minutes of my life." Gerard. Britney didn't need to look at him to see his smile.

"Yeah...Marty's really good." Bob chimed in. "Seriously...Marty will do you *wonders*..." Bob said.

"You are ALL crazy..." Britney said, walking away. She sat at the fire where Ray was cooking a fish.

"Hey...did you let Marty do you over there?....He's great." Ray said.

" is Carol so okay with letting him...*do* everybody???" Britney asked.

"Well...NOBODY would want to deny anyone of the great pleasure Marty causes..." Ray said.

"What? He's done YOU too?!" Britney asked, shocked.

"Oh yeah...several...he gives the BEST massages!" Ray said.

"That's so...wait. Massages?" Britney asked.

"Yeah...he's really good!" Ray said. Britney turned around towards where the other people were. There was Marty, with the others, giving massages.

"...Oh..." Britney said.

"What did you think I was talking about...?" Ray asked.


" gonna get one?" Ray asked. Britney thought about it. After this whole situation, that would be...weird.


" aren't?" Ray asked.

"Oh, I am..." Britney said, walking to where everyone else was.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this chapter is a little bit of a filler...but there's more coming.