
Alone, Right?

"What ch'you eating, Ray?"


"Double fudge brownie." Gerard said. It's something he and Ray decided to try. Ray thought if they used their imaginations, they could make themselves believe they were eating something besides fish.

Didn't work too well.

"I'm having fish." Frank said.

"Uh...Frank, I don't think you get-"

"HEY GUYS....CHECK THIS OUT!" They all heard a scream. Sounded like Mikey. Everyone ran to where the (at this point, former) bassist was.

"What is it, Mikey?" Gerard asked his brother curiously.

"An mp3." Mikey said, holding up the device. Everyone looked in awe....Gerard just sneered.

"What?" Mikey asked, a little dissapointed his brother wasn't more excited.

"It's's been on this island. You don't really think it will work, do you?" Gerard asked. Mikey's heart sunk.

"I don't know..." Mikey mumbled.

"...And even if it did, do you REALLY think it will have music we'd like?" Gerard asked. Mikey looked back down at the small, black device he held in his hands. Everyone just sat there.

"Hell...give it a try anyways...after months of nothing to do on an island, anything can entertain me." Frank said, grabbing it from Mikey. He pressed the "on" button and waited


It worked. His and everybody else's eyes lit up. Frank was browsing it. "There are like, three hundred songs on this thing." He said, as close to as giddy as a twenty-something year old man can get.

"What bands?" Ray asked.

"Uh...Good Charlotte....Avenged Sevenfold...Paramore....The...Jonas Brothers? Alright, uh....Mindless Self Indulgence...uh...AH! They have some My Chem too." Frank said. Everyone smiled.

"What songs?" Gerard asked. Frank scrolled down.

"Uh....all of Three Cheers and Black Parade, and "Our Lady of Sorrows" from Bullets. Man...whoever had this thing had good taste. Pink Floyd....Linkin Park....Fall Out Boy....Flyleaf....The Used...." Frank said, listing off the many bands this person had.

"The Used? They maybe not *great* taste..." Gerard said.

"Oh get over it." Bob said, patting Gerard on the back, walking towards Frank and the mp3. Imagine the fights they went through that day. An mp3 player to a bunch of bored bandmembers is like candy to a three year old.

It was later at night, and everyone was asleep. Everyone, that is, except Mikey. He was so happy to have music, something so important to him, in his life again. He scrolled down the list of songs, and settled on "Going Under" by Evanescence.

Then Mikey thought...

How had this been on the island without ANY of them realizing?

How did it work so well? No damage after god knows how long on an island? And some of the songs on it were pretty recent. He thought again, and realized something.

The headphones.

When he had first picked up the headphones, they felt...

Warm. Like they had been recently used.

Was someone on the island holding out on everyone, listening to it. Or...

Nah. Couldn't be...

Could it?

Was...was there someone else on the island with them?