
Tell Me

"It's my turn now." Gerard said, swiping the mp3 out of Frank's hands.

"Hey! No can't do that!" Frank protested.

"Oh...I can't, can I?"


"But I only had it minutes." Frank said.

"Oh yeah right! More like an hour..." Gerard said, starting to switch from "The Bird and The Worm" to something else.

"It was ten minutes..." Frank said.

"Yeah...if you add about fifty to that!" Gerard yelled.

"You're being an ass..."

"No...YOU are!"

"You both are!" Ray said, coming in between the two. He grabbed the mp3 from Gerard. "We obviously can't tell time, seeing as how my watch is broken and I have no clue how to use, or even build, a sundial. So...if you two can't share this, then it should go to someone who will." Ray said, walking off. Bob stopped him.

"Hey, can I listen for awhile?" He asked.

"Nope." Ray said, walking off. Gerard and Frank, looked at him, and then Bob. They were no longer mad at eachother. NOW they were pissed at Ray.

"Kill the bushy headed one!" Gerard yelled, and they all ran.

Mikey sat against the apple tree, watching them while rolling his eyes. He had listened to the mp3 all night long, so he was out of the "taking turns" list for awhile. He actually found everyone else fighting over it to the death much more fun. He was also really tired...and still worried about the thoughts that came to him the night before. He started to close his eyes...and...

"WHAT'S UP?" Britney asked, sitting down. This brought Mikey from practically dead to oh-so awake.

"Dammit! You scared the hell out of me!" Mikey said, sitting up.

"Sorry. So...whatcha thinking about?" Britney asked, standing up to pick an apple, then sitting back down, taking a bite.

"Nothing. Just...tired." Mikey said, closing his eyes again.

"You're full of it. I know you're tired, listening the mp3 all night...but there's more than that. I can tell when you're upset." Britney said, worn out grin on her face. She took another bite and put the apple down.

"Why aren't you, Carol, and Marty trying to listen to it? There's limited battery power you know." Mikey said.

"With all the alone time Carol and Marty have, with everyone else fighting for it, they have....*other* forms of entertainment, if you know what I mean..." Britney started.

"Brit, the TREES know what you mean." Mikey said.

"...And....I just don't want to get involved in all the fighting going on. I know we'll get off the island. I think some of us have given up, but not me. This won't be my last oppurtunity for music that's not Bob singing "Annie"..." Britney said, to which Mikey gave a weak chuckle.

"I know what you mean. I have faith too." Mikey said, and they both smiled at eachother.

" still didn't answer my question, Mike. What's troubling you?" Britney said, trying to sound like a psychologist.

"Well doctor, sometimes I get the feeling that the world is out to get me. That I'm just a speck of dust in this place we call Earth. I think it all started when I was five, and my dad forgot to come to my soccer game. That really hurt...I think that's why I sometimes reluctant to live out my dreams, doc. I fear that-"

"Be serious, Mikey." Britney said somewhat harshly. Mikey was hesitant. Yeah...maybe there was someone else on the island. But that probably wasn't the case...that mp3 was probably just more hidden, and a wind blew it into sight. He didn't want to worry anyone, especially her, until he knew the truth.

"It's nothing..." Mikey said. Britney tried to stare him down. "Really. Everything's fine." Britney sighed.

"I hope so...I'd like to think that besides Carol, you're my best friend on this island. If anything IS bothering you, I'd like to help..." Britney said, hopefully trying to get information from the bassist. No luck. Britney sighed and got up.

"I know there's something...if you ever do want to tell me, I'll...well, I'll be here somewhere." Britney said. Then she was off.

Did Mikey make a mistake? Should he have told her?