
MORE Secrets?????

Ray opened his eyes, feeling pretty spectacular. He sat up, and smelled the fresh, cool air. He quietly sang along to "Basketcase" by Green Day with a smile.

"GOD I missed music." Ray sighed to himself.

Then he thought. How could he have woken up with music...unless...

Uh oh.

Ray looked down at the mp3 player. To his horror, what he thought would happen, happened. Before he could come up with an explanation, he heard Gerard behind him.

"Hey Ray! Have you seen....?" Gerard started. Gerard closed his eyes, hoping he was wrong. He walked over and picked up the mp3.

He wasn't.

"Dammit, Toro! I warned you about this!" Gerard said, picking it up. Ray had fallen asleep with it on...all night.

Only one bump of battery power left.

"I'm...I'm sorry. If it helps, I had a lovely dream about you that went with a song I was listening to." Ray said. Gerard closed his eyes. He feared this dream wasn't quite as "lovely" as he put it.

"...What was the song that inspired this dream?" Gerard asked. Ray looked at him, nervously.

"Pretty Handsome Awkward." He said. Just when Gerard was starting to have those "kill the bushy headed one" thoughts again, Mikey interrupted them.

"Hey...Gerard, can I talk to you about something?" Mikey asked. As much as Gerard wanted to kill Ray, his brother would always come first.

"Yeah, sure..." Gerard said hesitantly, walking away. Before he did, he gave Ray a, um, special "hand gesture", if you get my drift.

"What's the matter, Mikey? Oh...oh no. This isn't another Britney melodrama, is it?" Gerard asked.

"Well, as flattered as I am to see how sympathetic you were to my This may be more serious...but I'm not sure." Mikey said. Gerard's eyes got wide.

"Not again!!" Gerard said, panicking. "We don't have any of the proper ointments, and-"

"NO! Not...not that, thank god.'s just...please don't panick." Mikey started.

"Of course not." Gerard said shakily, biting his nails.

"'re attitude reassures me...anyways, I think there might..." Mikey started. Gerard nodded impatiently. " someone on this island." Mikey said. Gerard went from panicky, to well, maybe Mikey was imagining this, but kind of guilty looking.

"Nope." Gerard said.

"What do you mean, "nope"? How can you know." Mikey said.

"Instinct I guess. Are you hungry, 'cause I'm STARVING. I'm going to make some fish." Gerard said, eagerly getting up.

Was Gerard hiding something?
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I know it's kind of short, but as you can see, it's leading up to something.