Status: the list is finished being written, but if you have some more ideas, they are welcome.

100 Things to Do Before You Go To College

The List

1. Learn how to ride a motorcycle
2. Buy 50 dollars worth of candy
3. Get a tattoo
4. Skip school
5. Walk out on a teacher
6. Go on a road trip with all your friends
7. Burn a Barbie doll
8. Go skydiving
9. Find a place to live (& optionally: move out)
10. Hold a major party
11. Go on a date with a badass
12. Go on a date with a band geek/nerd
13. Get a piercing
14. Do something no one expects
15. Try alcohol
16. Learn to play an instrument
17. Get a passport & visit at least 1 other country
18. Ask a boy out, instead of vice versa
19. Learn to fight
20. Try and get a fake ID
21. Wish on a star
22. Fulfill a dream
23. Perform in front of an audience
24. Play a huge practical joke
25. Tag a building
26. Start a fight
27. Go to New York
28. Write a book or short story & try to get it published
29. Spend a day taking random pictures of people
30. Buy Febreze
31. Make a movie/video
32. Go to a concert
33. Kidnap someone
34. Park in ateacher’s parking lot
35. Go cliff diving
36. Go on a scavengerhunt across town doing crazy things
37. Put sticky-notes on someone’s car without them knowing who did it
38. Go out to eat at areally weird time
39. Give free hugs
40. Start a random protest
41. Jump out of a window
42. Make a card-board cut-out of someone & put it on someone’s door step
43. Steal a street sign
44. Cram into a car with all your friends & go watch the stars
45. Sneak out
46. Launch a campaign for president of the United States in school, preferably not in an election year.
47. Make a cartoon
48. Plant a tree
49. Put something scary on someone’s porch & leave a sign that says “You are cursed by my witchcraft.”
50. Keep a journal
51. Find out how long you can stay awake
52. Watch an entire movie series in as short a time as possible (one movie at a time)
53. Start a book of lists (top 5, random, hated, etc.)
54. Write a script
55. Try an odd sport
56. Run part/all of a marathon
57. Try & start a band
58. Learn to read tarot cards/fortunes, or both!
59. Make a scrapbook
60. Donate blood
61. Take a self-defense class
62. Be passably good in at least ONE sport
63. Adopt an animal from an animal shelter
64. Find a secret place
65. Watch the top 10 greatest movies
66. Start a blog
67. Hide all the clocks in the house
68. Be able to do a split
69. Buy a lottery ticket
70. Break a record
71. Put a dollar in a jar every day for 100 days
72. Invent a new word and try and make everyone think it's real
73. Wear your hair a different way every school day for a month
74. Put a letter in a random persons locker and tell them to email me
75. Find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop
76. Write the alphabet backwards on a wall
77. Leave a letter for the next person who gets your locker to read
78. Be in three places at once
79. Stay out all night
80. Buy a mode of transportation
81. Write “Santa was here” on something noticeable
82. Escape the house at 18
83. Watch all episodes of a TV show
84. Cuss out a teacher
85. Face a fear
86. Fall in love
87. Dye your hair an impractical,outrageous color
88. Have a job
89. Try kissing a girl
90. Go see a foreign-language film
91. Make an item of clothing
92. Have the courage to dump friends who treat me like shit
93. Have guy (space) friends
94. Scream the words “I never asked to be born” at your parents
95. Make a CD and send/give it to a boy
96. Try and learn a new language
97. Tell the schools “Barbie Queen” exactly what you think of her
98. Skip a class
99. Get kicked out of Wal-Mart
100. Wear a shirt that has Pooh-Bear and/or some other little kid’s cartoon character on it to school for a whole day
101. Stop a concert, (have one of the band members stop playing/singing/whatever) because you did something crazy
102. Get this done before going to college
♠ ♠ ♠
tell me what you think please!

and number 101 is especially for :
go and watch the youtube video for it, it's near the end, (at 3:05 to be exact)
god, that's fucking funny.