Gustavo and his artifically whipped goodness


"ooooh baby gimme that whip cream. ohhh baby i wnt tht cream. goddamn it gimme that cream."

yeah sure thats what it sounds like if you can understand dog which 99% of people cant. And honestly the 1% that "can" are completely mental or god. to the 99% its just sounded like the drowning, annoying sound of BARK BARK BARK BARK MEOW BARK BARK BARK.

gustavo want whipped cream.

with a slueth like movement gustavo slitthered over to wonderful god-like cabinet filled with artificial goodness! the scrawney shit zu was about to monoover his way accross the stovetop when a car door slammed and muffled arguing was heard.

"" well you can use your imagination for that, lets get back to gustavo.

damn thought gustavo as he jumped from the stove, i almost has that sugary heaven. with that thought the families "slightly" insane 4 year old daughter kate marched in in dolphin flippers and a water squirting dolphin hat on her head, clutching an emu.
"MOMMY I WNNA GO TO CANDY MOUNTAIN" in his mind she added charlie lives there! but mommy wud never let her go if she heard that.

Gustavo lay on the couch for what felt like a century but in reality was only 15 minutes before the lerner family went to sleep.

gustavo moved back to the counter and continued to his love, (he swore if he could marry it he could.) gustavo reached the cabinet and sat on the counter eating the whipped cream when kate came into the kitchen walking on her hands singing "put a banana in your ear" when she shrieked and screamed "GUSTAVO EATED MY CREAM" kate mom comes out and picks up gustavo and yells at him and then puts him outside for time out. kate and her mom go back to sleep and gustavo pulls his whipped cream from his fat fold and eats until dawn!

happy now karrot?
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the rest shall be translated frm doggie to english!