Status: Writing.

You Think I Am Crazy? I Will Show You Crazy.

So Smart

“Rave!!! I missed you so much!” Panic screamed at me, jumping on me, almost knocking me over.
“You do realize you see me every other day right?” I laughed.
“Yea, but you are nice Rave! AND I haven’t seen you here in six months!” I laughed at my little sister. “Where is Fiercy and Toxic?”
“Trisha and Zaylee are playing with them.”
“I haven’t seen Alyx since Fallyn’s… yea… since that.”
“I think she is coming over n about twenty minutes to drop off Jakob and probably hang out for a little.”
“Good” I was beaming. I may not go out with Alyx, but I am still head over heels for her. My medicine has helped me get my head straight too.
Speaking of the girl. Alyx walked into the house.
“Oh, hey Alyx, I thought you were coming at two thirty?” asked Panic.
Alyx didn’t say a word. She handed Jakob to me, gave Panic a bag. She walked outside, grabbed about three more bags of only god and Alyx know what, and placed them on the floor. Then, she walked out.
“Something tells me… she isn’t coming back.” Panic just hugged me, like a good sister should.

I remembered how she comforted me. The day I got back, the last time we would ever see Alyx. I still feel guilty. The scars left on Panic’s neck and arms when I couldn’t even be there to protect her. Two years later, and I still have the need to make up for it.
“RAVE! Come get Jakob!” yelled Panic from down stairs.
Even when she is mad at me, or yelling, or just being a bitch, it still reminds me how she almost died. Almost drowned. Almost bleed to death. And the only reason she is alive, is because she is smart. She had to save herself, again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short. But starting off :)
Next chapter already brings answers and drama!