Status: Writing.

You Think I Am Crazy? I Will Show You Crazy.

Pink Cows

“Hey Trish, what’s up?” I asked, making scrambled eggs.
“Trisha. And I am good.” She said, drinking some chocolate milk. “I wonder if chocolate milk comes from chocolate cows, I mean, I know they don’t but WHAT IF! I mean, and then there could be PINK cows! What if what if what if!!!” she was bouncing in her seat; I took her container of pills from the cabin, handing it to her.
“What if there were no hypothetical questions?” I asked her.
“Then we wouldn’t be having this conversation!” Trisha gave me a duh face. “I am bipolar! Are you? I’m not!”
“Actually, I am, and you are not.” Sometimes, it’s like hanging out with the kids before she takes her meds, and a lot of the times after too.
When I looked back to Trisha she was holding her stomach, with a pained expression on her face.
“You okay?” I asked her, she nodded and then continued with her eggs.
It wasn’t long until I was being attacked by hungry little children.
“Hey Panic, do you need help?” said Jocelyn walking into the house along with Eli. “Rage said I could stop by… I hope you don’t mind, I have to move out of my apartment soon, so work is being done, sorry to intrude.” She must have noticed the look on my face.
“Umm, its fine, would you like something to eat?” I asked, putting more eggs into the pan for the kids.
“Me and Eli ate before we came, thanks though.” Said Jocelyn sitting at the table.
“Eli, you can go outside on the swings or something if you would like.” I said, placing the kids eggs on the table.
“Aunt Nicki! Can I have some milk?” asked Jakob.
“Sure babe, give me a second okay?”
“Oh, Panic, why don’t you sit down and eat, I can get his milk.” Said Jocelyn getting up, “By they way, I never really learned their names…”
“Oh, this is Neon, but we just call her Fiercy, this is Toxic and this is Jakob.” I said, pointing to each of them.
“They are adorable. So, let me get this straight, Jakob is Rave’s son. Rave is the athletic one and not the mute one. Fiercy and Toxic are twins and are Fallyn and Jonah’s children but Fallyn is dead and Jonah is M.I.A.”
“Wow you pay attention… kind of hard to find in this house.” I rolled my eyes.
“Aunt Nicki? Can we go outside?” asked Jakob.
“Sure Jake, go ahead.”
Jakob, Fiercy and Toxic went outside with Eli and Trisha went upstairs, saying her stomach hurt.
“Wanna go outside with them?” asked Jocelyn. “It’s pretty nice outside and they probably shouldn’t all be alone.” Said Jocelyn, smiling. I nodded and we headed outside.
“Jake! Please be careful!” said Jocelyn, looking over to the boy, standing on the edge of the playground.
As if she spoke to soon, Jakob’s body fell backwards off the top of the play ground, landing on his back.
♠ ♠ ♠
:D :D :D
Thoughts? Comments? Concerns?
If anyone is confused by anything that has happened, just send me a message... don't stay in confusion!
But, Rage was the one who was calm ((See the irony)) and doesn't have kids and really smart.
Riot is the different one because his name isn't "Ra" and doesn't talk.... no kids.
Rave is just the other one that is NOW nice but used to be mean... Schizophrenic...
I know that could get confusing