Status: Writing.

You Think I Am Crazy? I Will Show You Crazy.

Things That Don't Matter

“Jake, just take it easy. Okay?” I said walking into the house. But telling a two year old to take it easy is…. Very hard. “Trisha? Are you okay?” I asked, walking in on Trisha, holding her stomach with a pained expression.
“I think just really bad cramps. I’ll be fine.”
“If you say so, just try not to be hyper.” Psh, that was going to happen.
Within the next half an hour Riot came into the house, slamming the door. He stayed over at Scene’s house last night because her dad wasn’t home and I am guessing she just told him about the moving and the baby.
He walked into the kitchen pulled out a chair, huffed and sat down. Riot, luckily had become a little more open with the talking. He wouldn’t talk directly to someone other then me, Drave or Scene but someone could sometimes be in a room.
No more then two minutes later Zaylee came huffing down the back stairs, pulled out a chair, huffed and sat down, just like Riot. They couldn’t get more suggestive could they.
“I hate life.” Said Riot and Zaylee at the exact same moment and then, without phasing from the fact that they said something together, went onto their own little stories and some how both ended with “I don’t know what to do.” And slammed their heads on the table. That didn’t look weird or anything.
“Oh, Jake’s fine, has to wear a back brace, Fiercy is fine too. Toxic doesn’t know what to do without his play buddy. Rage still hasn’t talk to me and Rave isn’t on good terms with me either. I am still pissed off at Drave, our new neighbor seems to be nicer then most people in this house. And Trisha is getting sick.” I said, quickly.
They both gave me weird looks.
“Oh, I am sorry. I thought we were all venting our problems and expecting pitty.” I said sarcastically. “Now, one at a time. Problems?”
“Scene is pregnant then moving and I don’t know what to do.”
“My parent’s are trying to get me, Lukas and Trisha back home.”
“Now was that so hard?” I asked. “So, seeing as you two have no solutions for my problems I will go worry about two year olds. Maybe you can help each other out.” I said bitterly. Eh, it was harsh but whatever. I wasn’t in the mood.
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