Status: Writing.

You Think I Am Crazy? I Will Show You Crazy.

Rhett Kaos

“I want to paint my room.” Said Rave passing a football to Lukas.
“Is that so?” I said, sitting down on a lawn chair, watching the kids play.
“Yup… I want to paint it blue.”
“And when do you plan on doing this?”
“And I am guessing you want me to get paint and clear out your room and you will watch the kids.”
“Actually, I was hoping everyone could help. It’s a big room and all.”
“And where in your book is giving two years old, especially your son who just got out of the hospital a week ago, a paint brush a good idea?”
“Who said it had to be a good idea. It will be hilarious. Panic, they are kids. They have to have fun. They can’t live like we did. Always trying to get approval, afraid to go home because of your mom’s boyfriend. Afraid to do anything. We should want them to express themselves and have fun. “
I sighed. “I guess your right.”
“I am. Well, I am going inside, it’s kinda hot out, almost the end of April and then before we know it, it will be June.” Lovely. “By the way, sorry for getting mad at you, you were just being Panic and looking out for everyone.” There is the Rave I knew.
He tossed Lukas the ball one more time, before kissing my forehead and walking inside.
Not much later, Maxx came over and we sat outside with the kids, talking about well, everything. With this family, there was a lot to talk about. We talked until Drave came over too, smelling like weed and beer. Great
“Drave? Have you been drinking?” I asked him and he slouched in the lawn chair next to me.
“Of course not.”
I looked at Maxx then back to Drave. “Where is Riot?”
“Probably with Scene… does it matter?”
“Ummm considering he is my brother, yes.”
“You don’t need to know where everyone is all the time Panic.” Drave slurred then was quiet. So much for that.
“Hey Panic? Can I talk to you?” called Rave from inside.
I sighed “Sure.” I got up, walking inside.
“So… Mojo jojo is defeating the power puff girls and it isn’t looking well, Rhett called and butter cup isn’t looking good, maybe a broken leg. Rhett said him and Beth got a divorce but they he is coming for a visit. Blossom is really sick now and bubbles isn’t bubbly.” Said Rave really fast and started to walk away, but I grabbed his shirt.
“Rhett called and is visiting…?” I said, anger rising in my voice.
“Rhett… Rhett Kaos is visiting?”
“More or less.”
“More or less?”
“Well, I have paint to go pick out, so about tomorrow, you still up for painting.” I was about to lose it at Rave, but I calmed down and put a smile on my face.
“Sure Rave… sure.” I walked back outside and sat down again.
“What did Rave want?” asked Drave.
“Nothing… just to tell me he is going out.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh filler.
You Just Broke Every Steretype
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