Status: Writing.

You Think I Am Crazy? I Will Show You Crazy.

Decisions and Death

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions. My decision. No matter what the decisions I make, someone will hate me. Someone won’t be happy. What’s new in that? What’s new in someone not agreeing with someone? Not agreeing with Panic. No one likes Panic. Oh, the feeling isn’t great either.
Death. Death. Death. Death is inevitable. Everyone that dies in my life. Death is nothing new for me. Death is nothing new for any of us. June 1st. It brought us five lives. Riot. Rave. Rage. Toxic. Fiercy. But, it brought the death of Fallyn. Without her, the lives of those born might not really exist.
The decision of death is the hardest. The one we dread the most. We make decisions every day. What do I wear? What should I eat? Should I yell at Lukas for yelling at Zaylee? Some minor, some major, but all decisions. Most people in their life times won’t have the decision of death. Most people just die, and they don’t have any say of when. Some though, have the decision of when someone else will die. That is the worst decision to have to make. So instead of me making it, I will let Trisha decide when she dies. It’s her life. Her decision. Her choice.
“Hey Trisha.” I said, just above a whisper.
“So. Cancer. Yay.” She said, very unenthusiastic.
“What’s your choice?” No one else was in the room. Would you want anyone else in the room?
“I don’t want chemo. I rather be able to be hyper and jump around and full of life before death, then almost matching it, with the only difference being a heart beat. If I have chemo, I will be tired and have no energy and right when I find some, I will need more chemo. What’s the point, it only extends my life a few months, if that. Might as well live it up.” She shrugged.
“Are you sure?” I asked her, and she nodded.
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Do you agree with her choice?
Rhett's coming to visit :)
Then some Drave and Maxx drama.
Who's team are you on?