Status: Writing.

You Think I Am Crazy? I Will Show You Crazy.

Death Of Me

Panic’s Point Of View

It’s been two years since, well, everything. Since Fallyn. Since Jonah.
“AUNNTTTIIEEEE!!! TOXIC IS… WAAHHHH!!” I heard Fiercy screaming from outside. Splash.
I ran outside to see Toxic and Jakob looking down into the pool.
“Auntie Panic! I didn’t! I didn’t mean to! We were just playing and she fell!” Toxic stammered.
“Seriously? Toxic!? Are you serious!? The water? Of all things?!” I yelled at him, taking off my jacket.
“I didn’t mean too!” He shouted, tears streaming down his face, Jakob was speechless.
I dived into the water, when really I should have waited about another minute. First of all, she fell into the deep end and was sinking to the bottom. Second, I couldn’t swim. I pulled Fiercy back up, Jakob and Toxic trying to help her back up.
Unfortunately for me, pushing her back up to the pool side, made me fall back into the water. Again, as I said, I can’t swim. Since, two years ago, I was being drowned in out own sink by Jonah, I have a little phobia of water, well a big phobia. So, I did what I do when I panic, I struggle, thrash around and don’t think with my head.
So, as I can imagine, Toxic, Fiercy and Jakob are all looking over the edge of the pool, not sure what to do, only to see their Aunt Panic, drowning, for a second time.
“See Panic. I am smart. It was all too easy. All I had to do was put powder on my hand so when I touched her face, it slipped into her mouth and in her ears and well, I don’t care where else it got into to, it did its job. Just a little was enough to make her body shut down. It was a fast working, illegal drug. I have a lot of experience with them. Have you heard? I guess not. Now you Panic. Death by water. I was smart enough to know just how guilty everyone else looked too.” Jonah’s voice ran threw my head.
I remember that so clearly. Zaylee then rushing over to me. But I had to play dead. I had to stay dead, until Jonah was gone. I guess Zaylee had panicked, because no one tried to pull me out of the water. But once I heard the front door slam shut, I pulled my head out of the water.
“Oh my gosh! Panic! Are you okay!? What happened!? Why did he? I thought he had drowned you!” Zaylee screamed.
Word to the wise. If someone ever tries to drown you, struggle for a little, then stop. They will think they have drowned you. When they leave, you can come back up. But I still had to issue of my bleeding neck and arm.
By this time, Riot had come into the kitchen and had a better reaction then Zaylee. Him and Drave were pulling my panting self off the ground and onto a chair. Trisha had gotten some things to stop my bleeding.
“Get the kids now Zaylee.” Growled Drave. Zaylee didn’t even move. “ZAYLEE!” he screamed at her. Shocked, she ran outside.

Soon, but maybe not soon enough, another splash and arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me up to the surface.
I gasped, breathing in as much air as I could.
“Panic!?” yelled Drave. “Panic? Are you okay!? What happened!”
“Umm. Fiercy fell in the water, I had to get her out.” I shrugged, pulling myself out of the water.
“You all are going to be the death of me…”
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