Status: Writing.

You Think I Am Crazy? I Will Show You Crazy.

Primer Isn't Paint

“We’re home!” I yelled. No answer. “ANYONE HOME!”
“UPSTAIRS!” yelled Rave, oh yea, room painting.
Trisha went to lie down and I walked upstairs, a little suspicious, as anyone would be in a quiet house where more then nine people are in at a time. I walked into Rave’s room and turned the lights on. Huh, that’s weird it’s dar… my thoughts… my own thoughts were interrupted because PAINT was being thrown at me.
I wasn’t mad. I would be later. But I wasn’t now, instead, I picked up some paint and threw it back. Before we knew it, it was in an all out paint war. Every man, woman and child for themselves. Kind of like our sharpie war oh so many years ago, only now, I wasn’t mad about it and the two year olds knew now not to eat the paint.
“Rave… the paint isn’t coming off…” I said, scratching at it in the sink. Also trying to multitask by scrubbing Fiercy’s arm
“I think I know why…” he said, getting frustrated as he tried getting the paint off of Jake’s now red arm. “It’s primer…”
“Now we know… primer doesn’t come off like paint…” muttered Scene, she was working on Toxic.
“I’ll say…” muttered Jocelyn, trying to get it off Eli.
So now me, Scene, Rave, Riot, Jocelyn, Eli, Jake, Toxic and Fiercy were trying to get primer off of ourselves and failing at best. Lovely.
“So not my best idea.” Said Rave.
“No, not exactly. But when is anything at it’s best here.” Laughed Scene.
“Well, for everything that’s happened, and I probably don’t know of it all, you seem to be coping well. And for the most part, you all are pretty happy.” Said Jocelyn.
“I think I’ll take that as a compliment. But I can’t take all the credit, I have some help keeping everyone straight.” I looked at Riot and Rave who smiled at me. “Oh, no, not you guys, Mary, the pharmacy lady, without those pills this house would be insane!” I laughed and Riot and Rave glared at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Major filing.
Drave or Max?