Status: Writing.

You Think I Am Crazy? I Will Show You Crazy.

Had Enough

Luckily, the paint was off just in time for… Rhett to come. Jocelyn and Scene took Jake, Fiercy Toxic, Lukas, Trisha and Zaylee to the beach leaving the house to me, Rage, Rave and Riot. Just like old times. The siblings. Minus one. Rage was getting Rhett from the airport and he would be back soon. We still weren’t on speaking terms, but he still had the right to be here when his dad was here.
“Hello Panic.” Said Rhett, attempting to give me a hug, which I stepped away from. “Look, I know you’re mad at me, but the past is the past. It doesn’t matter anymore.”
Psh. Doesn’t matter. He doesn’t know a single thing about what matter’s in life.
“Anyways… the reason I am here to visit is I want you all to be witnesses in court.”
“Court?” asked Rave.
“Yes, you see Jonah is in jail and being accused for murder and attempted murder and I want you to go to the stand.” So they caught him.
“Oh, so for once you’re on our side.” Said Rave.
“Of course. I don’t want the fine man in jail. It’s not fair. He didn’t do a thing and he would never hurt Fallyn. It had to be someone else.”
“Oh, so if it’s not Jonah, which one of your own sons was it dad…” Rave sneered.
“Rave… calm down.” I muttered.
“I want him out of jail and being able to see his children. It’s only fair. I understand that he would at least want that.”
“Oh, so he can kill them too?!” Rave was getting to his point.
“Rh... Dad, look. I know what you probably think, but Jonah isn’t a good guy. He really killed Fallyn and he tried to kill me too.” I said, pulling up my sleeves and showing him my neck.
“Well aren’t you turning out to be a little emo bitch like your mother.”
“Excuse me?! You think I did this to myself!? You think I would LIE about who killed my sister?! Thanks to him I am taking care of his kids. I am sixteen Dad! I shouldn’t be a nanny!”
Then. Rhett slapped me. Hard enough for me to stumble a bit. Hard enough to hurt. Hard enough for me not to see it coming. Hard enough to make my brother snap.
Rage. Rage snapped. I thought Rage was mad at me, but now, something changed. He punched Rhett in the face and got close to him.
“You listen here Rhett! You don’t know much more then I do about what happened here! You don’t understand what Jonah did to them! To PANIC! Your daughter! Oh WAIT! She doesn’t really exist to you! You are just as bad as Jonah! You weren’t here to protect Fallyn like you should have been!
“And if you stop sending us checks, we WILL take you to court! God KNOWS Panic is SMART enough to sue you and take you for all your worth without much thought! If I were you, I would send us the money instead of us putting you in jail for neglect and abuse! We have ALL the PROOF! Get out of OUR house. Oh, one last thing. If you EVER lay one more finger on my sister again, we won’t need to sue you, because we will be getting a huge inheritance.” Rage was in Rhett’s face and Rhett looked honestly scared.
Without another word, Rhett got up and left. Just like that.
“I have had enough of people walking all over you Panic. I have had enough of people going around hitting you and you doing nothing. I have had enough of people not thinking you are good enough. I have had enough of being one of those people. I am at my limit and no one will hurt you again. I am done walking on egg shells.”
With that. Rage walked upstairs. Rave walked outside. Riot walked downstairs. And I sat on the ground. I didn’t cry. I didn’t go get an ice pack for my face that was one fire. I just sat. I didn’t move.
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