Status: Writing.

You Think I Am Crazy? I Will Show You Crazy.

More In Common

“Maxx? Are you okay?” I asked, putting in a load of laundry. Ha. Look, I mixed it up, I am normally doing dishes.
“Been better.” He mumbled.
“Are you sure? You have just seemed off.”
“OFF!? You think I seem off!? Go run to your little boyfriend! The one who does drugs and fucks other girls!” He yelled at me. Yelling doesn’t scare me anymore.
“He said he would stop…”
“What… did he give you a shiny new car too!? Panic! Guys like him just don’t change over night!”
“Maybe you don’t know Drave.”
“I haven’t even been here that long and I know his type! He is a user and will just keep using you!”
“That’s a big assumption for someone, especially when I have known Drave for over two years.”
“You act like that’s forever Panic! People like, Drave, assholes, jerks, drunks, users, abusers, they don’t change.” He whispered the last part, taking my hand.
“You seem to have experience. What’s this really about Maxx?” I asked, my hand on my hips, his gazed locked in my eyes.
It took him a minute, but he started to tear up. This guy, started to cry, to break down. Something I didn’t expect of him. He sat on the floor, hid his face and started to cry.
“Maxx…” I said softly.
“My step-dad…he…”
“Oh…” I didn’t need more explanation. “I know the feeling.”
“I am sorry to here that.” He said, before looking up and kissing me again.
Looks like we have more in common then I thought
♠ ♠ ♠
So if you are wondering why you got a chapter update to the next one, but nothing was there...
It's because I accidently posted THIS chapter there >.>
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Maxx or Drave?
I can go either way.
NO MATTER what the 3rd one says :)