Status: Writing.

You Think I Am Crazy? I Will Show You Crazy.

I Saw You

Scene became more pregnant and Trisha was still her hyper self. Always brightening everyone’s day, even if hers were coming to an end.
Maxx and I have had our shares of kisses, but I gave into Drave. If he wasn’t going to do drugs and drink, the least I could do was have sex with him. Rage went back to college but Jocelyn and Eli stayed in the area, visiting when they could.
Toxic and Fiercy still fought like brother and sister while Jake was the peace maker. He didn’t have to wear a brace anymore, be he knew that if he did too much, he would pay for it.
Zaylee and Lukas’s mother ordered for custody the day Trisha died. Wouldn’t even take time to come visit her daughter before she died. Heartless.
Riot was growing distant from Scene, trying to lose his attachment while she was still here. Rave was still my brother. Luckily, nicer then when we I first arrived to this circus tent. All in all. Life for everyone was more or less… normal. Ha. When does it ever stay like that here?

“Panic… I don’t want you around Maxx anymore.” Said Drave, Trisha sleeping on the couch. It was past midnight, so the month of May was at an end. The kids were having a combined party tomorrow, they might as well be triplets like their uncles. They are always around each other and were born only a week apart.
“I don’t like him.”
“Drave… that’s hardly a reason to…
“Panic. I saw you two kissing.”
Awkward silence.
“Panic?” said Trisha, getting up from the couch. “I don’t feel so g…” then she hit the floor.
“RIOT! RAVE!!” I screamed, rushing over to her. Everyone came running down the steps.
“Shit… Panic… I think my water just broke…” said Scene, stopping in the middle of the hallway
“SCENE! You are only six and a half months!” I yelled.
♠ ♠ ♠
ONE more chapter left.
There is probably a lot of things I will leave unexplained,
So if you leave comments to what needs more attention, I can add it in.
I have to endings right now.
One with Drave and one with Maxx :)
Who do you want?