Status: Writing.

You Think I Am Crazy? I Will Show You Crazy.

Have you seen?

“All right you two. Stop making out on the couch, the kids will be up soon.” I said to Scene and Riot as I threw a pillow at them.
Riot gave me one of his smiles and Scene blushed. They have been going out for at least a year now, more or less. I really have no desire to keep track when I have three kids to take care of, that aren’t even mine.
“Oh yea… Rage said he was visiting today.”
“For how long?” Scene asked. Riot, still not speaking for the most part.
“He said a week. But I am not sure. He told me this about two months ago. He is to busy to call and tell anyone.” I shrugged, carrying a laundry basket upstairs.
I was putting some clothes in Zaylee’s room… but no Zaylee. We had moved her into her own room about a year ago after realizing, their parents seemed to have just dropped them off her, with no intentions of picking them up. She was normally in her room. Strange.
I walked into Lukas’s room. Rage’s old room. Very messy. Typical boy.
“Lukas? Have you seen Zaylee?”
“Nope.” He muttered, not even looking up from his video game.
“Zaylee?” I called, walking out of his room.
I walked into the bathroom. “Zaylee?!” I yelled, reaching my hand into the bathtub, pulling her out of the red water. “RIOT! SCENE! LUKAS! RAVE! COME HERE NOW!” I yelled, panic in my voice.
“Shit! Panic! What happened!?” Rave yelled at me, pushing me away from Zaylee, scoping her up in his arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short! Sorry.
I need to find where I want to go with this.
Thanks to: