Status: Writing.

You Think I Am Crazy? I Will Show You Crazy.

This family

“Zaylee… I thought you were better then that. Cutting? Really? Trying to drown your self? What is wrong with you!? Is it not good enough? Do you not have enough money!?” Lukas was yelling at Zaylee on the car ride back. Now that I could drive, I seem to be driving them around a lot.
“OH! I am SORRY! I forgot! You’re perfect! It’s like mom and dad’s divorce meant nothing to you! Like being dumped at your cousin’s house because your dad was tired of you isn’t anything. I am sorry.” Zaylee said bitterly.
“Stop it! Both of you shut up. Everyone makes mistakes.” I said, pulling into the drive way.
It had been a week since Zaylee’s little break down and Lukas volunteered to go with me to get her, of course, only to yell at her the whole way home.
Lukas took no time to get out of the car, while Zaylee sat there, staring at the window.
“Not like I asked for this.” She mumbled.
“What do you mean?” I asked, turning to look at her
“Trisha and Lukas don’t get it. They think all I said before was for attention. They just don’t get it.”
“Get what?”
“Everything! When we were younger, our parents would physically abuse me, but only when no one else was home, which unlucky for me, was a lot. Since Trisha and Lukas never saw it, when social services tried to do something about it, they couldn’t really. So I went to live with my aunt. On my dad’s side, not your aunt, just saying, but I lived with her. She not only physically abused me but mentally too. When someone found out I moved out of there.”
“Then what?” I asked.
“Well, I lived with my other aunt, she didn’t necessarily abuse me with her hands, but she made me clean. That doesn’t seem like much, but with those poisonous cleaners that are bad for you? I remembering having to scrub the floor until my hands would bleed, then keep scrubbing. Add finding out your schizophrenic too and it just makes it a lot worse.”
“Then how did you end up here?” I asked. This family is fucked up.
“Actually, I am why we are here. It’s not really because our parents are out on business. It’s because social services found out about my aunt, so they sent me back to my parents, since I was now schizophrenic they came to the conclusion I was imagining them hurting me. Our parents are good actors, just for future things. But, my parents didn’t want us there, so we were shipped off here.”
“Well, lets just conclude this that both of our life’s suck and Zaylee wont ever slit her wrist and try to drown her self because if Panic can get though this WHILE taking care of three kids that aren’t hers, Zaylee can deal with her past.” I said sweetly.
“Yea whatever.” Zaylee started getting out of the car.
“Say it.” I pointed my finger at her.
“Um, our life’s suck, Panic’s is more stressful and I won’t be stupid again yada yada yada. I have to pee.” She said, slamming the car door.
Eh, close enough.
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Kind of short and filler.
Next one should be more drama.