Status: Writing.

You Think I Am Crazy? I Will Show You Crazy.

Look Where You Left Me

“AUNT PANIC!” yelled Toxic, in his little two year old voice, running towards me. “Whose’s the man in our house!?” he yelled, running up to me.
I picked him up, resting him on my hip, I know I shouldn’t because they are older, but sometimes, I think I need it. Hearing him say this worried me though.
“What does this man look like sweetie?” I said, pushing his black hair out of his face.
“He has brown hair!” he squealed. This worried me more.
I opened the front door, ready to punch someone, you know, just in case. I peaked around the corner of the door, and slowly walked into the kitchen, hearing glasses being pushed around. I motioned for Toxic to be quiet as I peeked around more.
“Oh, hey there Panic, why are you hiding?”
“OH MY GOD! Rage! I was about to kill you!” I screamed, running over to him and hugging him. “You have no idea who I thought you were.”
“Is this Toxic? Where is Jonah? Is it not his weekend or something?” see, we hadn’t really talked since he left, except when he said he was coming. He was to busy with school or something to return calls.
“Umm, hey Toxic, hunny, why don’t you go play with Fiercy and Jakob, okay?” I said, setting him down.
“So I see the name Fiercy stuck.” Rage said smiling. “So, why did you make him leave?”
“It’s about Jonah.” I started to absentmindedly rubbing my neck then tug on my hoodie. It was definitely to hot to be wearing one, but, the scars was still there.
“Panic… what happened to your neck? You… you didn’t did you?” he said, reaching up.
“Umm, no. Jonah did… actually. Not long after you left.”
Rage was smart, he obviously put two and two together. “He IS in jail right.”
“Well…” I said, my voice high pitched.
“PANIC! Where is he!” Rage yelled at me, totally out of character.
“We don’t know! And don’t you dare come into this house yelling at me! Fallyn wouldn’t be the only one six feet under if I wasn’t here! This is MY house now! I may not be the oldest, but I am forced to be because of the situation! Don’t command me to do anything!”
“Oh? And whats happened that makes you Ms. Savior!”
“If you had been here the past two weeks… you would know! Like Fiercy falling into the pool and me having to save her!” I decided to leave out the part where I had to be saved, kinda didn’t help my point. “And Zaylee slitting her wrist and trying to drown in the water! I could go on.”
“Panic. Chill out. They would have been saved with out you! Who saved you from Jonah? Huh!? Because obviously you couldn’t defend yourself!” he screamed at me.
I yelled. Like the kind of yell you would scream into your pillow when you are frustrated and it doesn’t make sense. Then, I looked around the kitchen and grab a knife.
“Panic! What the hell are you doing!” Rage said backing up.
“YOU AREN’T LISTENING TO ME! I DID SAVE MYSELF! I SAVED EVERYONE! I WAS THERE WHEN YOU WEREN’T. WHERE FALLYN COULDN’T BE. I AM RAISING KIDS THAT AREN’T MINE! I WILL DO WHAT I WANT!” Then, a pair of hands, wrapped them selves around my waist, someone else taking the knife out of my hands.
I thrashed around as much as possible, but Rave was the one holding me, so it wasn’t much use. Drave was putting the knife back.
“Panic. Calm down. Do you want Fiercy and Toxic and Jakob to see you like this?” Rave whispered in my ear. It’s like Rage and Rave have switched places in the past two years.
“Panic. I think you need to calm down. Just for tonight.” Rage said.
I turned around in Rave’s arms and hugged him tight, trying to hide from Rage. Soon, Rave started walking, and I could tell to the basement. He laid my down on the couch and started to walk upstairs.
“Panic, tomorrow you can come out.” Said Rage.
“You are seriously grounding me?” I asked. “Maybe, while I am stuck down here, you should ask someone what has really been happening.” I said, as he shut the door and the outside lock clicked.
♠ ♠ ♠
So are you hating Panic or Rage?
Panic has been getting on my nerves honestly...
Wow I sound crazy...